Hollywood And The Liberal Press Churning
Out Donald Trump Conspiracy Theories 24/7
June 2. 2017

Stephen Colbert is definitely on the crazy
juice and that tin foil hat is not just for show
Hollywood and liberals in the press have gone
over the edge, due to Hillary Clinton's defeat in the 2016
presidential election to Donald Trump and are engaging in
extreme and questionable behavior to voice their displeasure
at the outcome of the vote. It has become so uncivil and
disturbing that many people have tuned them out. People are
sick of it.

Rachael Maddow looks like the kid from
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid" and she's behaving like him too
There's the widely panned Kathy Griffin stunt
of posing with a severed, realistic looking Trump head is
one example of the madness. Then there's crazy late night
talk show host, Stephen Colbert, going to desperate extremes
to the point he called Trump a "c**k holster" for Russian
President, Vladimir Putin, which landed him in trouble with
the FCC for indecency in broadcasting. Then there's also
conspiracy queen, Rachel Maddow, jumping to extraordinary
conclusions on her show, with absolutely no evidence. The
hatred pouring from Hollywood and press liberals is so

A redacted photo of Kathy Griffin holding
up a realistic looking severed head replica of U.S.
President Donald Trump
Towards the middle and end of the presidency
of former U.S. head of state, Barack Obama, I did not agree
with many things he was saying and doing, such as behaving
like a radical leftist, but I didn't want to hear people
yapping about their disdain for him 24/7. People get tired
of that after a while. Hollywood and liberals in the press
need to give the political, toxic sludge broadcasting a
Rachel Maddow Breaks The Law On MSNBC Illegally Obtaining And
Disclosing President Donald Trump's Tax Returns And Much To Her