Harvey Weinstein
Disputes Lupita Nyong'o
Claims He Sexually Harassed Her In Labeling The Actress A
October 23. 2017

Lupita Nyong'o
Academy Award winning actress, Lupita
Nyong'o, has gone on record stating she too was sexually
harassed by disgraced movie producer, Harvey Weinstein, who
has been accused of rape and sexual assault by over 50
women. Prior to Nyong'o becoming famous, she met Weinstein
in 2011, as a drama student at Yale University. The two met
at an awards show in Berlin, Germany. Nyong'o wanting to
break into the film industry, though he would be a good
person to know.
Weinstein invited her to lunch. She
accepted, assuming it would be to cast her in a film. He
tried to ply her with hard liquor, but she repeatedly
refused. On another occasion, Weinstein invited her to his
family home in Connecticut to meet his family. He sent a car
for the aspiring actress. She met his family at the
property. During a film screening in his home, he took
Nyong'o into another room of the house stating he wanted to
show her something. Instead he requested a massage. Nyongo
complied, stating it is an exercise they did in drama school
at Yale. However, when Weinstein started removing his pants
during the massage, she fled the room.

Harvey Weinstein
The two met for dinner on another occasion.
Weinstein was quite blunt that she would have to have sex
with him or her career would go nowhere. When she refused,
he rudely got her a cab and stated, "I don’t know about your
career, but you’ll be fine." Nyong'o interpreted it as a
threat. 2-years later she made an appearance in the movie
"12 Years A Slave" for which she won an Oscar. Weinstein was
surprised at how quickly she became famous. He tried to cast
her in a Weinstein Company film, but she refused due to how
he had treated her previously.
Shamed by Nyong'o recently recounting his
acts of gross sexual harassment and bullying in the New York
Times, Weinstein is calling her a liar. Nyong'o is the only
accuser he has specifically responded to in the press.
Weinstein's representative stated on his behalf, "Mr.
Weinstein has a different recollection of the events, but
believes Lupita is a brilliant actress and a major force for
the industry. Last year, she sent a personal invitation to
Mr. Weinstein to see her in her Broadway show Eclipsed.”
Lupita Nyong’o: Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein
By LUPITA NYONG’OOCT. 19, 2017 - I have been
following the news and reading the accounts of women coming
forward to talk about being assaulted by Harvey Weinstein
and others. I had shelved my experience with Harvey far in
the recesses of my mind, joining in the conspiracy of
silence that has allowed this predator to prowl for so many
years. I had felt very much alone when these things
happened, and I had blamed myself for a lot of it, quite
like many of the other women who have shared their stories.
But now that this is being discussed openly,
I have not been able to avoid the memories resurfacing. I
have felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I have felt such a
flare of rage that the experience I recount below was not a
unique incident with me, but rather part of a sinister
pattern of behavior.
I met Harvey Weinstein in 2011 at an awards
ceremony in Berlin, while I was still a student at the Yale
School of Drama. An intermediary introduced him to me as
“the most powerful producer in Hollywood.” As an aspiring
actress, I was of course eager to meet people in the
industry but cautious about strangers, and the intentions of
men in general. So I tried to vet this famous producer by
asking my dinner-table companions what they knew of him. A
woman who was a producer herself cautiously advised me to
“keep Harvey in your corner.”
She said: “He is a good man to
know in the business, but just be careful around him. He can
be a bully.” And so I exchanged contacts with him in the
hopes that I would be considered for one of his projects. I
wanted to keep things professional, so I made a point of
referring to him as “Mr. Weinstein.” But he insisted that I
call him by his first name. In this first encounter, I found
him to be very direct and authoritative, but also charming.
He didn’t quite put me at ease, but he didn’t alarm me,
Now that we are speaking, let us never shut
up about this kind of thing. I speak up to make certain that
this is not the kind of misconduct that deserves a second
chance. I speak up to contribute to the end of the
conspiracy of silence.
Harvey Weinstein is Calling Lupita Nyong'o A Liar
Published 2 days ago - Her account was the
only one he specifically responded to. Previously, Harvey
Weinstein issued a long statement in which he referenced
Jay-Z lyrics and begged for a “second chance” in the film
industry. Soon after, he flew himself to Arizona to check
into a sex-addiction rehabilitation center and since, more
than 40 women have come out against the disgraced film
producer. Each has accused him of very inappropriate
behavior, including both verbal and physical sexual
Perhaps one of the most vivid accounts was
Lupita Nyong’o’s. The Oscar-winning actress, in an op-ed for
the New York Times, detailed a pattern of predatory behavior
from Weinstein when she was still a student at the Yale
School of Drama. According to Nyong’o, one day, Weinstein
invited her to his residence in Westport, Connecticut to
screen a film with his family. Prior to the movie ending he
insisted she leave the room with him. “Harvey led me into a
bedroom — his bedroom — and announced that he wanted to give
me a massage. I thought he was joking at first. He was not,”
Nyong’o relayed in the piece. “For the first time since I
met him, I felt unsafe.”...
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