Former President Donald Trump
Announces 2024 Reelection Bid (Video)November 15. 2022
Former U.S. President, Donald Trump,
announced his 2024 reelection bid for the White
House today, in a press conference held at his
Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Trump made the
announcement in front of a large audience of family,
friends and colleagues.
Trump's speech focused on his
achievements while President (2016-2020) and places
the blame for America's decline in the world on
President Joe Biden. America has experienced
economic, military and medical disasters under Biden.
Trump is vying to be the Republican
nominee. However, he has competition. Trump's
protégé, Ron DeSantis, who is the governor of
Florida, has become more prominent in the Republican
party over the past year. The lawyer-turned-governor
has politicians in the Democrat party worried and
they have publicly expressed the view they deem him
worst than Trump, who also sees him as a threat to
becoming the Republican nominee.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden in 2020
Trump made DeSantis popular within
the Republican base. If Trump and DeSantis ended up
on the same ticket, they would win the presidential
election. However, Biden is going to cheat his butt
off again, as he did in 2020 (presidential election)
and 2024 (midterms). Biden and his main handler,
Barack Obama, are very power hungry and will
do anything to be in office. The sad part is,
America is paying a terrible price for it, the full
extent of which will soon become apparent.
Of all the people in Congress who
could have become president Biden is the worst
choice. The Democrats in Congress certainly didn't
give America their best. They gave America a seedy,
scheming, crumbling man, who is struggling with
dementia and insanity. His own crack cocaine
snorting, prostitute hiring son, has his name saved
in his phone under the term "pedo" (The U.S. Secret Service Acknowledges
Authenticity Of Hack On The Phone And Laptop Of President Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Which Exposed The First Family's Pedophilia, Drug Use
And Political Bribery (Video)).
You gave America a man who
repeatedly showered with his teenage daughter, and
sexually assaulted and harassed women, who went
public with their stories (Allegations President Joe Biden
Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On
Project Veritas). You need to fix your egregious mistake and
find another nominee to represent the Democrats,
lest Biden and his handlers inadvertently bring down
all hell on America.
A National Harvard Poll Reveals A
Majority Of Americans Believe Vladimir Putin Would Not Have Invaded
Ukraine If Donald Trump Was Still U.S. President
Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As
Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming
Previous Site Claims
Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time
Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes' (Confirming Previous Site Claims)
70 Percent Of Americans Do Not Want
President Joe Biden To Run For Reelection
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