Florida Man Lies To Cops About Cocaine On His
NoseJuly 7. 2020

Fabricio Jimenez
Florida Man, Fabricio Jimenez, got caught by the
police with boogar sugar on his nose (cocaine) in New Port Richey,
Florida. Jimenez was a passenger in a vehicle that was stopped by
police, leading to the discovery of drugs in the car.
WFTV in Florida reported, "The Sheriff’s Office said
they also found a backpack in the car containing 250 grams of
marijuana and 13 Xanax pills." Seeking a way to avoid arrest
regarding the cops standing before him, Jimenez lied and stated the
cocaine on his nose was not his, but belonged to someone else.
That's a new one.
Florida man with cocaine on nose tells deputies it's not his,
officials say
Updated: June 10, 2019 - 11:09 AM - The Hillsborough
County Sheriff’s Office said two deputies pulled over a car and
noticed the passenger, Fabricio Jimenez, 20, has a white powdery
substance on his nose. A New Port Richey man was caught with cocaine
on his nose during a traffic stop in Hillsborough County, according
to deputies.
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said two
deputies pulled over a car and noticed the passenger, Fabricio
Jimenez, 20, had a white powdery substance on his nose. Jimenez’s
nose was swabbed, and the substance tested positive for cocaine,
deputies said...