Five Of Boris Johnson's Top Aides Have Quit And
Many People Think He Should As Well
February 4. 2022

Boris Johnson snarling which is a sign of
mental illness
Five top aides of Britain's Prime
Minister, Boris Johnson, have resigned due to the
scandals surrounding the corrupt politician. Johnson
has been accused of trying to blackmail his own
party members in attempts at barring them from
removing him from office. Blackmail is a crime and
one worthy of imprisonment.
Johnson is also under criminal
investigation with the police for having parties
during coronavirus lockdowns. Britons made many
sacrifices, especially during holidays, forgoing
parties and large gatherings to limit the spread of
the virus. Only for Johnson and his fellow Tory
politicians to be having parties behind closed
doors, whilst laughing at the nation. This is very
poor leadership.
This is the problem. Johnson is not
a true leader. Throughout history real leaders have
sacrificed and suffered for their nation and with
their people, especially during hard times. Boris
thinks he should be treated like the Queen. Boris
thinks he should be living in absolute luxury and
pampered like royalty. However, he is not the
monarch. The pomp and ceremony is not for prime
You can see this in his behavior.
Boris whined the £150,000 redecorating fund for his
Downing Street flat was inadequate. He should have
been embarrassed and ashamed to even have opened his
mouth to utter that. Just one more item that shows
he is only in the job for what he can get out of it,
not to serve the nation. Not to mention, Downing
Street is a historic building. You have no sense of
history. You lack class and culture to want that
much money to make alterations to a flat in a Grade
I listed building, you chav.
Boris is constantly taking lavish
vacations to exotic places, paid for by mysterious
people. Meanwhile, Britain is up to its eyeballs in
problems Boris created that need to be fixed. Boris
complained that his salary £161,401 is inadequate.
You know, being paid £161,401 to financially ruin a
country is more money than you deserve. In my
estimation, you deserve prison for trying to sell
the NHS, violating pandemic rules and giving deadly
advice regarding the coronavirus, in insanely
telling the public to go out there and "take it on
the chin."
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