FEMA: Fake Every
Maneuver Available
FEMA Fakes Fire Press Conference
October 27. 2007
FEMA's Harvey Johnson: where's Brownie when you need him

FEMA launched a preemptive strike
during the California fires and it pretty much backfired. When word got
around that the error prone agency faked a press conference, they became the
butt of many a joke on newscasts and the internet.
FEMA employee 1: Are you happy with
the job FEMA is doing?
FEMA employee reporter 2: why yes, I think you guys deserve a
FEMA employee 1: Anymore questions? No? Okay, cut the camera.
FEMA employee reporter 2: you were a natural, sir.
FEMA employee 1: you weren't bad yourself. Ok, that's a wrap guys. Let's go get
some vodka shooters.
Just kidding. That's not what they
said, but the actual press conference is pretty funny in light of recent
revelations of it being a fake.
FEMA fakes news
conference for better image
FEMA, the Federal
Emergency Management Administration, used its own staff as fake news reporters
at a news conference Tuesday to make give the troubled organization a better
FEMA, the Federal
Emergency Management Administration, used its own staff as fake news reporters
at a news conference Tuesday to make give the troubled organization a better
No real reporters were
able to attend FEMA's televised briefing on the fires in California on Tuesday
because they were only given 15 minutes notice.
Instead, FEMA press
officers asked easy and flattering questions. Six questions were posed by the
Fema officials and Johnson even used the typical practice of calling for a "last
"I'm very happy with
Fema's response," Johnson said in reply to one query from an employee.