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Everybody Hates Madonna
Part 2
Madonna Dissed By Celebrities
September 23. 2008

She looks ridiculous
Though, neurotic
loves to aim at controlling her publicity, even having her reps call younger,
popular stars for quotes to email and fax to press outlets, in failed bids at
being relevant in modern times, there are quite a few terrible quotes that
slipped through to the public. Courtesy of
http://madonnarevelations.blogspot.com (NSFW):
1. I look at Madonna and think "Nice try dear, but you're not doing anything I
didn't do 20 years ago." ~ Cher on Madonna, in 2006.
"It seems to me that when you reach the kind of acclaim that she's reached
and can do whatever you want to do, you should be a little more magnanimous and
a little less of a c*nt." ~ Cher on Madonna
2. "She's a ... narcissist" ~ singer Jude, who was once on Madonna's Maverick
3. "Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other."
~ Erma Bombeck on Madonna, fame and success. *Helen Keller was an American
author, activist and lecturer, she was the first deafblind person to graduate
from college.
4. "She's lapsed, her presence is receding, and she's facing the dilemma of the
aging star." ~ Camille Paglia, cultural critic, on Madonna
5. "She's an awful actress, but she's adequate as a masochistic, two-dimensional
floozy." ~ David Deby, 1990
"She is closer to organized prostitution than anything else." ~ Morrissey on
Madonna says she's stepped on a lot of bodies to get where she is - I'm one
of those people" ~ ex-manager Camille Barbone
"It made it easier to hide her zits." ~ Alek Keshishian on why
Madonna was filmed in black and white for 'Truth or Dare
9. " I could rip her throat out."
~ Actress Meryl Streep, on Madonna muscling in on Evita.
" I wouldn't be surprised if
she made that African boy she adopted into a coat and wore him for 15
minutes, then threw it away." ~ former Smiths band member and PETA activist,
Morrissey, responding to Madonna wearing fur.
" I would like to punch her,
she is so full of [bleep]. She's into Kabbalah one minute, she's a Catholic
the next. She'll be a Hindu soon, no doubt."~ Sharon Osbourne comments on
"She has mentioned that I was
important to her (influence), and that's very satisfying. However, a check
would be better! ~ Deborah Harry, lead singer of Blondie on Madonna
" A vile, hideous, horrible
human being with no redeeming qualities." ~ Boy George describing Madonna on
his TV show The Madness of Boy George
"She's actually very insecure,
especially with other women around, because, I mean, we would have parties
and there would never be beautiful women around." ~Madonna's back up dancer,
Slam, commenting on her insecurities 1993
"She will do anything, say anything, wear anything, mock anything, degrade
anything to draw attention to herself and make a buck. She is the quintessential
symbol of the age; self indulgent, sacrilegious, shameless, hollow." ~ Columnist
Ray Kerrison on Madonna
" She's always got her eye on
what everyone's doing and she's always nabbing people, the latest DJ or
whatever, to get them to put their thing on her thing, you know. I think
it's quite clever, but I don't know if that's creative." ~ Alison Goldfrapp
of Goldfrapp criticizing Madonna for being unoriginal.
" I don't expect to work with
her! Anyway, I don't collaborate with celebrities, I work with musicians." ~
singer Robyn ruling out working with Madonna because M is focused on fame
not music.
18. "I thought she'd do something in the medical field. She always liked to
psychoanalyze people's heads. Sometimes when she looked at you, you could just
feel that she was trying to get into your mind." ~ Dough Alfred, Madonna's
on-off high school boyfriend
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