Dr. Death
Kanye West's Mom Passes
Away Due To Terribly
Negligent Doctor
November 13. 2007

Rapper Kanye West's mom, Dr. Donda West, passed away
last week from complications associated with negligent plastic
surgery. It has since been
revealed that she had a preexisting medical condition that made
plastic surgery a risk.
To make matters worse, a breast
augmentation and tummy tuck procedure performed on her that was supposed to take 4 hours,
ended up taking 8 hours at the hands of a very negligent doctor,
Jan Adams.

Kanye West
As more information became available it was
revealed Dr. Adams has received several DUIs (driving under the
influence of drugs and or alcohol) and is not a board certified plastic surgeon.
Additionally, he has several malpractice lawsuits against
him, some of which carry judgment awards he has yet to pay.
When someone has that many lawsuits
against them for the exact same misconduct that says there is a problem there.
He should have lost his medical license long ago.
Some politicians are against
patients being able to sue their doctors, but in some cases it is warranted. Dr.
Adams has a very telling history of serious malpractice, betraying a pattern of
misconduct that is clearly rooted in carelessness and deviation from established
medical standards. He has caused members of the public permanent injury - with
this latest incident resulting in a fatality.

Dr. Jan Adams
He is now being investigated in Los
Angeles and rightfully so. It is sad that it took something like this to bring
the investigation about. It is being said that they wanted to suspend him from
medicine last year after the multiple DUIs, but did not.
It is understandable
that West's mother
went to this man for surgery. After all, he was on the Oprah Winfrey show in 2003 and
is regularly featured on the Discovery Channel. One would think
that one would not need to check up on someone with such a CV.
Apparently you do. But Dr. West can't be blamed. Who would have
thought he was this bad in his chosen field and appearing on
such programs dispensing medical advice.

Dr. Jan Adams mug shot
In my humble opinion, he should
face charges on criminal negligence. He should be indicted for practicing
medicine so haphazardly. He has a history of causing extensive damage to his
patients. Now he has cost one her life. His excuses cannot bring
West's mother back, in an incident that could have been avoided.
Every life counts. Not just because
she has a famous son. She was a human being first and foremost, with rights,
that Dr. Adams betrayed in not giving her the best medical care available.

After operating on a 58 year old
woman with a preexisting medical condition, for far too many hours, he
negligently sent her home, rather than to a recovery center where they could at
least monitor her.
That has to be painful for her
family and he should answer for that in a court of law. Had he not carried out his professional duties
with such severe negligence and disregard for established
medical protocols, none of this would have happened. He must be
legally held accountable for that.

He has also damaged the profession of plastic
surgery. Now people are going to be terrified of going under the
knife. Yes, with all surgery there is a risk of complications,
especially in older patients, but his poor conduct should not be deemed the
There was nothing wrong with Dr.
West's appearance, but being in the industry she probably felt the pressure many
have to look a certain way.
Dr. West lived 58 years and
accomplished much in the field of education. My condolences to her family. At
least she was a real Dr...