Donald Trump Wins Republican
Primaries, Nikki Haley Places Second Twice And Ron
DeSantis Ends His Campaign
January 23. 2024

Former President Donald Trump
Former U.S. President Donald Trump
has won the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries against
fellow Republicans. Nikki Haley placed a distant
second in each primary and Florida Governor, Ron
DeSantis has suspended his campaign, and endorsed
Trump. Fraudulent president, Joe Biden, is worried
about Trump beating him in November. Actions are
actively being taken by his administration to steal
the election again.
Biden's presidency, as run by former
President, Barack Obama (even the mainstream press
is acknowledging
this is Barack Obama's illegal
third term) is full of corruption.
They stole the election in 2020 and they are
ready to do so again using voter rolls they
purchased from illegal specialty companies who have
complied the names and voter information of dead
people, among other fraudulent acts.
America is in so much trouble.
Before he even assumed office, I accurately
predicted Biden would ruin the U.S. economy, and he
has done exactly that since becoming president.
Another term of Biden is going to breed
unadulterated chaos, unprecedented climate disaster,
terrible tragedies, record levels of social and
financial failure, and unimaginable conflict. These
people are flushing America's future down the toilet
on madness. America has become unaffordable, full of
crime domestically and political failure on the
international stage.
President Joe Biden
Biden/Obama have a warped, twisted
agenda, and are not of sound mind (Joe Biden Administration
Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World
Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It
About). They are not using sound
judgment. Biden has dementia and Obama has a coke
problem (Tucker Carlson Does Interview With
Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With
Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)
Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not
Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He
States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men).
Time will expose these things. Such things never
remain hidden. Wake up America. You've been had.
The Democrats owed America more than
fraudulently pushing through Obama and Biden. It is
going to end in disgrace and utter shame in world
history. The Republicans in Congress owed America
more than to stand by and let this scam, also known
as the Biden presidency, happen.

FBI Director Christopher Wray
FBI Director Christopher Wray
appearing in Congress recently, promising to secure
the 2024 election doesn't mean squat. Wray and two
of his predecessors aided and abetted the late
pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, among others, so they
could control and blackmail influential people all
over the world. They knew thousands of underage
girls, some as young as age 12, were being raped
everyday, and looked the other way to it, for power
and greed regarding controlling the rich and
so-called powerful. Any group of people who can turn
a blind eye to children suffering are sick beyond
anything you could imagine.
The FBI and CIA could have stopped
the suffering of thousands of underage girls at any
time over the course of the 20-years the sick abuses
were occurring, and they obstinately refused, in
order to control rich and influential people in the
world, such as prime ministers in different
countries and royalty in several nations. And this
is the scum you are relying on for the security of
an election. You may as well ask the devil to secure
the election.
Report States Half Of All
American Banks Are Potentially Insolvent Under President Joe Biden And
Treasury Secretary Says America Will Run Out Of Cash On June 1, 2023 If
Debt Ceiling Not Raised
Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not
Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He
States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men
Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack
Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance
But Confirming Previous Site Claims
The American Banking System's
Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe
Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies
Tucker Carlson Does Interview With
Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With
Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)
Banks Continue To Collapse In
America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under
Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies
Joe Biden Administration
Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World
Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It
President Joe Biden Raises Interest
Rates Again For The Fifth Time Creating More Financial Hardships For
Americans And Banks
U.S. Financial System Breaking Down
Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of
What Is To Come
Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time
Hollywood Actress Sharon Stone Says
She Lost $25,000,000 In Silicon Valley Bank Collapse
Three Prominent American Banks
Collapse Under President Joe Biden's Watch (Video)
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