Donald Trump Has Raised $400
Million Dollars Since Being Convicted Last Week In
Stormy Daniels Hush Money Trial Sponsored By
President Joe Biden
June 7. 2024

Joe Biden
The corrupted Stormy Daniels hush
money criminal trial, which resulted in a conviction
against former U.S. President, Donald Trump, on 34
counts of falsifying business records, has blown up
in the face of his rival, President Joe Biden. The
case took place in New York and centered on money
paid to porn star and prostitute, Stormy Daniels,
regarding an alleged affair, all of which Trump
denied. Daniels signed a document stating the two
did not have an affair. However, Obama and Biden
induced her to state otherwise for political gain.

Joe Biden and Barack Obama
criminal case was ordered by Biden and his
Barack Obama,
as a means of getting Trump out of the 2024
Presidential election, where he is the frontrunner.
Americans are exasperated with Biden's extremely
poor handling of the economy and his proxy wars in
the world. Trump is expected to appeal the case.

Donald Trump
However, rather than the verdict
destroying Trump last week, it has brought in $400 million in
donations for his campaign, as many are stating the
politically motivated trial was a corrupt and
crooked attempt by the Biden administration to use
the legal system to destroy an opponent during an
election. It's a dirty way to try to win an
election. All year Trump has outstripped Biden in
campaign fundraising and the trial just made it that
much more apparent with the newly released donation
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