Donald Trump Fundraiser Raised
$50.5 Million While Joe Biden's With Barack Obama
And Bill Clinton Brought In $25 Million
April 12. 2024

Donald Trump
Former U.S. President, Donald Trump,
raised $50.5 million dollars during his fundraiser
this month at his Mar-A-Lago mansion in Palm Beach,
Florida. This month, President Joe Biden held a
joint fundraiser with former Presidents Barack Obama,
and Bill Clinton, which brought in less than half
that amount at $25 million.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Biden is a very unpopular President.
He has failed America in a massive way. This month
it was reported inflation went up again in America
by 3.5%. It is due to Biden's terrible economic
policies, which I stated from the beginning would
not work, and it has now proven true.

Pedophile and ponzi schemer Jeffrey Epstein (left) and former U.S.
President Bill Clinton (right)
Americans are complaining all over
the country (especially on social networking) of how
unaffordable America is under Biden. The man knows
nothing about economics. He also has dementia.
America is now a rudderless ship that is sinking due
to the terrible leadership of Biden.
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