Donald Trump And Kamala Harris Trade Insults
During Public Appearances For The 2024 U.S.
Presidential Election
July 24. 2024

Kamala Harris trying to stop Joe Biden last year, as he began
wandering off the stage and nearly fell, while whispering to people who
are not up there with them.
Former President Donald Trump and
presumed Democrat candidate for President, Kamala
Harris, have been taking digs at each other. Now
that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the
election, choosing to try to complete his one term
in office, Trump has turned his focus to Harris.

Kamala Harris
Trump referred to Harris as "dumb as a rock" "crazy" and
"nuts." Harris, a former prosecutor, also slammed Trump, comparing him
to sexual "predators" "fraudsters" and "cheaters." Harris stated, "I was
a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles I took on perpetrators of all
kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers,
cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say,
I know Donald Trump's type."

Donald Trump
The debates between them will be ugly. At least Trump's
debate against Biden is presumably cancelled as he dropped out the race,
not to mention, performed so horribly in the first one. The debate
against Trump set Biden's downfall in motion, leading to him leaving the
presidential race.
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