Disgusting Megan Fox Quotes
October 23. 2009

Megan Fox has issued a spate
of terrible, disgusting quotes, sure to repulse just about anyone. Why she
continues to engage in this
self-defeating madness, is
anyone's guess.

For example, Fox stated regarding her hygiene habits, she will
doo doo in other people's toilets and not flush. How charming (not). Megan,
contrary to the arrogance you clearly believe, scientifically speaking, your doo
doo does stink. Hence, your movie
"Jennifer's Body" flopping.

Side Bar: isn't it amazing how mindless Megan Fox and
pervy director Michael Bay
love to joke about things others find no humor in, such as life threatening
aneurysms and suicide (see article excerpt below). Then, they wonder why people
think they are weird jerks.

Side Bar 2: you know what's sad and funny at the same time, if Bay
actually followed through on blogger's wishes of having a Transformer robot step
on Megan Fox's character in the next film, effectively squishing her, thereby
writing her out of the franchise, audience would laugh and not cry, as the
public has so soured on her as a person.
Megan Fox sucking it up for next 'Transformers'
Oct 21, 2009, 15:26 GMT - ...Fox's greatest hits
were compiled by PopEater for posterity:
On her toilette habits: "I'm horrible to live with
... My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet.
Friends will tell me, "Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn't
flush." - FHM
On Stage Fright: "Every time I go on stage -
instant diarrhea." - Cosmo
And Acting: "We actors are kind of prostitutes. We
get paid to feign attraction and love. Other people are paying to watch us
kissing someone, touching someone, doing things people in a normal monogamous
relationship would never do with anyone who's not their partner. It's really
kind of gross." -- British GQ
And on Michael Bay: "He's like Napoleon and he
wants to create this insane, infamous mad-man reputation ... He wants to be like
Hitler on his sets, and he is. So he's a nightmare to work [for]." -- Wonderland
On the "sense" of Transformers: "I'm in the movie
and I read the script and I watched the movie and I still didn't know what was
happening," Fox said. "I don't know how you saw it in IMAX without having a
brain aneurysm or at least a migraine headache!"
Previously we posted an open letter posted on
Michael Bay's blog from his crew members, Fox was called "dumb as a rock."
PopEater reports that for the third 'Transformers'
installment, Bay made nice and posted this on his blog:
"P.S. Megan Fox, welcome back. I promise no alien
robots will harm you in any way during the production of this motion picture.
Please consult your Physician when working under my direction because some side
effects can occur, such as mild dizziness, intense nausea, suicidal tendencies,
depression, minor chest hair growth, random internal hemorrhaging and inability
to sleep. As some directors may be hazardous to your health, please consult your
Doctor to determine if this is right for you."...
Megan Fox is Now Grateful to Michael Bay
Posted: October 20th, 2009 - Now that Michael Bay
has announced that "Transformers 3" is in the works and that he will bring back
Megan Fox, the actress has decided to stop making comments that have previously
got her into trouble with the director, like comparing him to Hitler...
She added: "The movie took me out of obscurity and
gave me a career, and I'm completely grateful to everyone involved with this
Why the change of tune? Maybe it has something to
do with "Jennifer's Body" bombing, causing Fox to worry about her career.
It was recently reported that Michael Bay is
considering killing off Fox's character during the early minutes of
"Transformers 3" to replace her with another good looking girl. After Fox's
Spike TV comments, Bay may just let her live.