Democrats Impeachment Bid Against President
Donald Trump Must Meet Litmus Test Or It Will FailHinging On Hearsay
October 3. 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump
The Democrats in Congress are currently
conducting an impeachment inquiry into U.S. president Donald
Trump. The last U.S. president that was impeached is Bill
Clinton and he later had it overturned in court. Democrats
in Congress seeks to impeach Trump in a bid to stop him from
running for reelection in 2020, after his 2016 grassroots
win took them by surprise.

Many are acting on emotion, as the
environment in America is very politically charged. Bare in
mind, the
Mueller investigation already failed and was
very anticlimactic, damaging high profile Democrats who were
making assurance of taking Trump down. The Democrats face a
difficult case. If their case suffers from a lack of evidence and
is largely hinged on hearsay, the impeachment will fail. It
must meet the required litmus test, as impeaching a
president is very serious.
Side Bar: Congress needs to be
very frugal with taxpayer money on this inquiry, because
if they spend millions like Mueller did ($25,000,000)
and come up with nothing, the American people are going
to be very upset at another failure.
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