Democrats Continue To Squabble
About Whether To Remove Dementia Stricken President
Joe Biden
July 12. 2024

U.S. President Joe Biden
Everyday President Joe Biden publicly opens his mouth, a
massive gaffe comes out. Biden has said some painfully embarrassing
things that have disgraced the U.S. government in the world, to the
point many in America and the international community are publicly
asking who is really running America. The United States never had the
embarrassment of such questions being asked in the world. Now, as former
President Barack Obama and the FBI and CIA fight for so-called power,
figurehead Biden is rapidly deteriorating.
82% of Americans want Biden out of the White House.
Democrats who want to win Congress and have their party remain in the
White House are genuinely worried about Biden falling to pieces, as the
public want him gone. Some are trying to convince Biden to step down,
but he refuses.
Biden's wife Dr. Jill Biden does not want to give up the
White House either, even though she and his team know his mind is gone,
they are deteriorating his health by keeping him as President, and worst
of all damaging America. They are putting their greed ahead of what's
best for a nation of 330,000,000 people. They are wiping away America's
I'm pleading': Top House Democrat Adam Smith calls on President
Joe Biden to end candidacy
Mon, July 8, 2024 at 4:30 PM EDT - WASHINGTON — The top
Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee on Monday called on
President Joe Biden to end his candidacy after his “alarming” debate
The statement makes Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., one of the
most senior Democratic lawmakers to demand that Biden leave the race and
allow the party to nominate a new candidate. The strongly worded message
adds to a growing chorus of concern among Democrats about Biden’s
fitness for office and the need for a new candidate capable of beating
former president Donald Trump.
“That candidate must be able to clearly, articulately,
and strongly make his or her case to the American people,” Smith said in
statement. “It is clear that President Biden is no longer able to meet
this burden.” "I'm pleading with him − take a step back,'' Smith said in
an interview with CNN. "Look at what's best for the party, look at
what's best for the country."...
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Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time
Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing
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