David Beckham Is Losing Millions
Supporting His Wife's Ambitions As A Fashion Figurehead
January 4. 2020

David Beckham and Victoria Beckham
Former football player David Beckham is
losing millions of dollars due to his wife's ambition's
to be a fashion figurehead. I state figurehead, because
she is not designing the clothes, but is taking credit
for other people's designs, whom she employs and ripping
off established brands (Victoria Beckham Labeled A Fraud).
A recent report in the Daily Mail
newspaper revealed the Beckhams lost £36,000,000
($48,000,000) due to Victoria's fashion label that has
never turned a profit in the decade it has been opened.
Beckham was forced to fire employees last year (Victoria Beckham's Derivative Fashion Line Is Going Bankrupt
And Fires 60 Workers). Recently, she was told
she must fire her chauffeur and cut back on spending
regarding expensive items for the office.
At what point does one drop the vanity.
At what point do you consider your children's financial
future. The Beckham's live lavishly. Losing nearly
$50,000,000 and counting on a fashion line is unwise.
The fashion line has the potential to strip away their
entire fortune in a matter of years. They will lose
their homes, cars and furnishings if this continues.

Victoria Beckham
The Daily Mail stated, "This comes as
profits from her husband David's company DB Ventures
halved over the span of a year, from £23.2 million in
2017 to £11.5 million in 2018. David, 44, is thought to
have lent his wife Victoria, 45, some £600,000 for her
Victoria Beckham Ltd business, after he bailed out his
wife's company with a £23 million cash injection in
These developments are not good for
their marriage, which is still in trouble due to his
cheating and her business troubles with the fashion line
(David Beckham And Victoria Beckham’s Marriage Is In Trouble As
Previously Stated On The Site).
Let's face it, the clothes in the
Beckham line are strange and unattractive. The line has
weird patterns, tops with overly long sleeves and
hemlines, and trousers that drag along the ground,
getting unnecessarily dirty and thread worn. Beckham's
clothes are often dragging on the floor. It's not
attractive or practical.

The Beckham's on the cover of Vogue without David
as the couple have been having marriage problems
Then there's the pricing. Beckham has
delusions of grandeur. She has priced much of her
clothes to be in the high end market. Never mind she
does not have the high end name. Louis Vuitton and
Givenchy can charge more based on quality and their
storied names.
Beckham, however, does not have that
caliber of a name to be charging several hundred and
sometimes thousands for items. Beckham's dresses are
$3,000 and her handbags are $1,6000. Hence, them not
selling. Hence her fashion line consistently being in
the red, eating away at the family fortune.
It is another case of entertainers
believing anything they say or do is fact. So many
entertainers are now running around calling themselves
billionaires when they do not have $1 billion in the
bank or in assets. They grotesquely overvalue their
companies and assets, even in pricing, only to end up
being exposed and paying for it later.

A video still of David Beckham cooking a
meal while prominently displaying a Kabbalah Center cult red
string bracelet. The still is from a video he posted on his
Instagram page. The Beckhams were drawn into the cult by
Madonna, who pursued Victoria Beckham and Guy Ritchie, who
is a friend of David Beckham. I don't know why the Beckhams
got involved with that deranged cult of loons.
In this case, a part of the problem is
Victoria is often publicly criticized as not having
talent. I've heard comedians in Britain make jokes about
her not having talent. Columnists and members of the
public have done so as well. She was a rarely heard
voice in the 1990s pop girl group the Spice Girls. She
has a passable singing voice and can dance. However, she
was not the star of the group and failed to carve out a
successful solo singing career.
Then, she married Beckham, a talented
footballer, who has repeatedly overshadowed her in the
relationship in the eyes of the press, due to his many
accomplishments in sports. David's looks also attracted
a massive amount of attention, which made him the face
of many established brands.
Victoria has followed some bad advice in
trying to reinvent herself as a haute couture fashion
designer, when she does not have the name or the chops
to do so, in conduct that could leave the Beckhams
broke. The question is how long is this financially
disastrous charade going to continue. Considering her
penchant for expensive living, becoming broke will hit
her very hard.
Victoria Beckham is 'told to ditch her chauffeur
and offers to cut her salary' in a bid to help
struggling fashion empire after it plunges £36m in debt
Published: 04:18 EST, 29 December 2019 |
Updated: 11:58 EST, 29 December 2019 - Victoria Beckham
has reportedly been forced to make dramatic cuts after
her eponymous fashion label plunged £36million in debt.
The designer, 45, is said to have been told she can no
longer employ a chauffeur to drive her to work and even
offered to take a pay cut to help her struggling
'The chauffeur has gone, she's now
driving herself or getting Addison Lees, and the
designer plants are on the way out as their upkeep is
too dear. 'Victoria is gutted but she's put everything
into her fashion empire and won't give up without a
fight.' According to the insider, Posh will now have to
drive herself to work at her Hammersmith headquarters or
to her store in Dover Street, Mayfair or get a taxi.
She is also said to have agreed to stop
purchasing expensive plants and plant pots for her
headquarters. Last year losses at Victoria Beckham
Limited rose dramatically to £12.5million after demand
for the former Spice Girl's range of £2,000 dresses and
£1,000 handbags slumped...
Bad day for Brand Beckham: Victoria's company
plunges £36m into the red after making £12.5m losses
last year while David sees his firm's profits halved by
Published: 04:22 EST, 27 November 2019 |
Updated: 13:20 EST, 27 November 2019 - Victoria
Beckham's fashion business has plunged almost £36
million into the red after making losses of £12.5
million last year, new figures have revealed today.
Her company Victoria Beckham Holdings
Limited has just filed accounts for last year which show
she has failed to turn round the troubled fashion
empire. It has now made losses for every year since
2013. This comes as profits from her husband David's
company DB Ventures halved over the span of a year, from
£23.2 million in 2017 to £11.5 million in 2018.
David, 44, is thought to have lent his
wife Victoria, 45, some £600,000 for her Victoria
Beckham Ltd business, after he bailed out his wife's
company with a £23 million cash injection in January...
Someone Is Trying To Destroy David Beckham And His Wife Victoria
Beckham Via Hacking And Leaking Unflattering Emails That Have
Created A Big Scandal
David Beckham And Victoria Beckham’s Marriage Is In Trouble As
Previously Stated On The Site
Victoria Beckham's Derivative Fashion Line Is Going Bankrupt
And Fires 60 Workers
David Beckham And Victoria Beckham Have Consulted Divorce Lawyers
Victoria Beckham Labeled A Fraud