Crime Surges In America Under
President Joe Biden
Biden Is Soft On Crime And Criminals do Not
Fear Him
June 30. 2022

Joe Biden
Crime has been surging in America
under President Joe Biden. Violent, strange and
unusual crimes are being committed on a massive
scale. People are even being shot to death in the
presence of their small children in acts that are
Just this week a
20-year-old woman was shot to death while walking
her 3-month-old baby in the wealthy upper eastside of
New York City. The week prior, a Subway fast food restaurant
employee was shot to death, while her co-worker was shot
in the presence of her 5-year-old son, and is in
critical condition. These acts were committed by an
irate customer claiming she put too much mayonnaise
on his sandwich.
Criminals are not afraid of Biden
and this is a part of the problem. They view him as
a weak, feeble man, who is struggling with dementia,
and not in charge of his faculties or the
country. They do not fear any repercussions under a
weak, forgetful, mentally unwell President.
Furthermore, Biden has the economy in such a bad
way, people have become desperate, have lost hope and are doing very
irrational things. America is in decline under this
Mom, 20, is killed by point-blank shot to the
head while pushing her three-month old baby in a
stroller across the street from a park filled with
terrified children who saw the chilling murder on
NYC's Upper East Side
Published: 23:26 EDT, 29 June 2022 |
Updated: 04:35 EDT, 30 June 2022 - A young mother
was shot dead in a chilling point-blank execution
while pushing her baby in a stroller on the Upper
East Side of New York City, just a few yards away
from a playground.
The murder occurred at around 8.23pm
Wednesday, on a sidewalk at the intersection of
Lexington Avenue and 95th Street in the exclusive
neighborhood, across the street from a playground
filled with children, officials said.
The 20-year-old victim was walking
with her three-month-old baby when the hooded
shooter approached her and 'fired a single shot into
her head from a very close range,' NYPD Commissioner
Keechant Sewell told reporters.
FAMILY: Subway employee pushed 5-year-old son
under counter before being shot over too much mayo
Wed, June 29, 2022 at 4:08 AM - A
Subway employee remains in critical condition after
she was shot at a southwest Atlanta Subway. Police
said the gunman was upset because his sandwich had
too much mayonnaise on it.
The shooting happened Sunday evening
at the restaurant on Northside Drive and Markham
Street. Two women were shot, and one of them died.
Police said they were able to track down the gunman
thanks to a tip.