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Crazy Madonna Turns Guns On Audience In Denver Angering People After The Batman 'Dark Knight Rises' Shooting Massacre

October 19. 2012


Devil worshipping pop tart Madonna offended and angered an audience in Denver, Colorado, after showing up on stage three hours late, then sadistically, insensitively waving guns at them, bringing back bad memories of the theatre massacre at a showing of the Batman sequel "The Dark Knight Rises" .

Ironically, "The Dark Knight Rises" is a movie put out by a company Madonna and her family have been affiliated with for over two decades, Warner Bros (she is still connected to Warner Bros. films through questionable, illegal, under the table deals regarding stolen copyrighted works). The washed up deviant is desperate for attention, as her career is in the toilet and is willing to do anything to get it.

In response to the audience's outrage, deranged demoniac Madonna issued a statement claiming she doesn't condone violence. What a load of garbage. She has lived by it. As mentioned previously, Madonna was sued for choking a child, Keith Sorrentino and slamming him against a wall for "pestering" her for her autograph on her day off. What a foul, nasty woman.

She also sent one of her deranged Kabbalah members to deliver a threat to me whilst trying to choke me, but even that didn't work, as I got away from him. In another incident, they tried to run over me with a vehicle on two separate occasions, a year apart. She hangs around and employs thugs and people in the mafia and as a result, thinks she some tough chick, but she is really a big mouth coward hiding behind others. She only feels safe trying to beat up a kid, because if it was a grown woman, she knows she'd end up in the hospital. So in short, yes, that old coward believes, uses and condones violence.  


Madonna Angers Denver Audience By Pretending To Shoot Guns Into Crowd


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