COVID Deaths Spike Again In
America Hitting 2,600 Per Day
February 3. 2022

Joe Biden
The Market Watch website reported,
"The average number of daily deaths from COVID-19 in
the U.S. over the past week has climbed above 2,600,
according to a New York Times tracker, now higher
than the peak surge in the fall when the delta
variant was the dominant variant and close to the
peak last winter, before vaccines were available."
COVID deaths are spiking in America
once again, reaching an awful high of 2,600 per day,
which illustrates the government does not have a
handle on matters. The predictions of President Joe
Biden's Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci,
have failed regarding this virus. Moreover,
President Biden has not gotten the pandemic and its
economic damage under control, failing on all his
campaign promises. America still leads the world in
COVID deaths. Biden is not fit to lead.
U.S. COVID death toll tops fall peak and is
higher than in other wealthy countries, as global
deaths climb 9% in latest week
Last Updated: Feb. 2, 2022 at 2:22
p.m. ET - The average number of daily deaths from
COVID-19 in the U.S. over the past week has climbed
above 2,600, according to a New York Times tracker,
now higher than the peak surge in the fall when the
delta variant was the dominant variant and close to
the peak last winter, before vaccines were
Deaths are up 36% from two weeks ago
and show no signs of plateauing, the tracker shows.
If current death rates persists, the U.S. may see
900,000 fatalities from COVID by mid-February.
Cases, with the highly infectious
omicron variant still dominant, are coming down from
their January peak and averaging 424,077 a day, down
44% from two weeks ago. Hospitalizations are down
14% from two weeks ago at 136,753 a day on average.
The rising death toll has
disappointed many who had hoped that omicron, which
spreads fast but is considered less lethal than
other variants, would gradually bring the pandemic
to an endemic stage, where it is still present but
no longer creating surges of cases and burdening
healthcare systems, allowing Americans to get back
to something like normality...
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