Coronavirus Rates In America Hit Over 5,600,000
Infections And 173,000 Deaths (Video)August 17. 2020
America continues to lead the world in coronavirus
infections and deaths. As of tonight, America current has 5,612,027
coronavirus cases and 173,716 deaths from the virus (Covid-19).
Approximately 53,000 Americans per day are contracting the virus.

United States coronavirus rates
339,000 infections are children, but due to
inadequate testing in said demographic, the true figure has not been
obtained. This means children are going untested and untreated,
which will lead to long term health problems.
Coronavirus Infection Rate
Skyrockets Among American Kids With The Reopening Of Schools As
Previously Predicted On The Site
China And New York Hospitals Using
Vitamin C To Aid In Treating Coronavirus Patients (Confirming Previous
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
New Scientific Study Confirms Coronavirus
Sufferers Having Difficulty Expelling CO2 As Previously Stated On The
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe As Previously Stated On The Site (Covid-19)