Congress Passes $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief
BillMarch 25. 20
UPDATE: (3-26-20) the checks that will
be issued by the U.S. government is for $1,200 and only
for one month, not two, as was previously stated in
congressional debates before the bill actually passed.
Americans online are not amused by this development, as
seen in comments on social networking. People on social
networking are complaining it is not enough to keep them
afloat during this crisis.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
After days of tense debate, the U.S. Congress has
passed a $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill. The initial vote
failed in the Senate, due to items being included in the proposed
bill, which have nothing or very little to do with the current coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak that is gripping the world
(Congress Slammed On Social
Networking For Delays In Coronavirus Relief Bill).

Nancy Pelosi
Reports indicate House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, was
forced to leave some non-coronavirus items out of the bill in order
for it to pass today. The main priority must be the public. Each
adult in America will receive a check for $1,200 for one month to
help with expenses during this rough time. The stimulus bill also
includes financial assistance for businesses.
My tweet on Twitter upon reading people can't pay their rent
due to coronavirus closures and quarantines
Worldwide coronavirus infections have reached over
400,000 infected and 19,000 people have died. The global epicenter
of the virus is currently Italy, where over 7,300 people have died
and deaths continue to occur daily.
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