Congress Finally Comes To An Agreement
To Give Financial Assistance To Local Flint Government
Regarding The Lead Pollution Water Crisis
February 27. 2016

Flint, Michigan
This is a follow up to the January 28, 2016
Judiciary Report article “Congress Needs
To Intervene In Flint, Michigan With An Emergency Clean Water Bill.”
On February 25, 2016 the U.S. Congress tentatively pledged
to allocate $250,000,000 to Flint, Michigan (and other
cities) regarding the lead poison water crisis that has
sickened and kill residents.
Extensive medical and science research needs
to be done to assess the full scope of human damage in the
crisis. One of the issues worrying me most about the crisis
is pregnant women in Flint drank and bathed in the lead
poison laden water for a prolonged period of time. Unborn
babies consuming lead and at a steady rate during pregnancy
will cause adverse health effects to mother and child.
Toddlers and other underage children consumed and bathed in
the tainted water as well.
There are medicines that aide in halting and
reversing some of the effects of lead poisoning. A doctor
supervised detox program can be beneficial as well. However,
chronic exposure to lead means there is some permanent
damage done (cellular, neurological). Consuming foods rich
in anti-oxidants, such as green tea and oranges, helps to
keep people healthy (but it won't fix the problem).
Something should have been done to stop the
pollutants sooner, as the negative health effects on an
sizeable city is a human tragedy. Consuming lead can do an
enormous amount of short term and long term damage to the
human body. It was "pennywise and pound foolish" and a case
of false economy in trying to save money via what was/is a
tainted water source, as Medicaid and Medicare health bills
will mount, as will massive lawsuits the State and federal
government will face, due to their criminal negligence and
years of inaction.
Where was the EPA while all of this was
happening. Why did it take the Virginia Tech, a
non-government entity, to go to Flint, test the water and
sound the alarm. Brown water pouring out of people's taps in
a city of 99,000, sickening and killing people and the
government mysteriously thought the problem would just
magically go away and fix itself. I don't believe in magic.
Neither should the government. Real problems need real
Congress proposes $250 million for Flint, others
05:53 PM CST Feb 25, 2016 UPDATED: 07:28 PM
CST Feb 25, 2016 - Congress is proposing $250 million to
assist residents of Flint, Michigan, and other American
cities experiencing critical problems with their water
supplies, Sen. James Inhofe announced Thursday. Inhofe,
chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee, said the proposed bipartisan legislation "helps
to increase nationwide funding for Drinking Water Act State
Revolving Funds and provide start-up funding for the new
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program."...
Flint City Officials Ask Congress for $55 Million to
Replace Pipes
Feb. 11, 2016 - City officials from Flint,
Michigan asked Democratic members of congress to find the
$55 million to fund a plan to replace the city’s lead pipes.
On Tuesday, Flint mayor Karen Weaver unveiled the plan to
begin replacing the city’s lead pipes next month, the
Guardian reports. Weaver and a number of other Flint
authorities testified in Washington, D.C. the next day
before the House Democratic Steering and Policy committee,
led by Representative Nancy Pelosi.
“I implore you, on behalf of the city of
Flint, to help us restore our city,” Weaver said. “I submit
to you that we are not disposable people.” Many have called
for pipe replacements since the current system became
contaminated with lead when the water supply switched from
Lake Huron to the Flint River to save money.
Michigan governor Rick Snyder declined an
invitation to attend the meeting in D.C. He presented his
proposed budget on Wednesday, however, dedicating $37
million to the city for 2017, the Detroit Free Press
reports. “My students cannot even walk to the nearest
fountain to quench their thirst,” KMVT reports school
superintendent Bilal Tawaab said at the hearing. “This has
become their new normal.”
Michigan Pummeled By Claims Of Racism In Water Pollution Crisis
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