Congress Debates Slavery
Meanwhile Hollywood Is Practicing It
Death Threat Outside Courthouse, Death Threat
From Driver, Criminal Copyright Infringement Continues
August 9. 2019

Madonna, who has a portrait of Hitler in her home,
is seen in this new album photo dressed as Hitler with the whip in
her hand, red mark on her left sleeve symbolic of the Nazi red
armband, starched white shirt, black tie and black hair, just like
the late human rights abuser and mass murderer.
Mainstream news reports reveal the U.S. Congress has
been debating slavery and reparations. America has a very brutal
history of slavery. The irony is slavery is still going on in
America. I am living proof of it (Former
FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions
For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights
Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead).
Unprovoked I have seen so much hatred, racism and
greed pour from Hollywood, who are supposed to be liberal and
tolerant, that it has given me crystal clear insight as to how
slavery grew to the horrendous heights it did in the 1800s and why
it lasted the longest in America. There are still people in America
today (Hollywood) who cling to the sick mentality that black people
are slaves, who are meant to be criminally exploited and abused. As
Hollywood has ties to the corporate sector, they have been able to
expand their criminal behavior in said sector as well.
The slave trade is very much real and alive in
America, and in criminal violation of the law. Hollywood confronted
me with such unprovoked hatred and evil which I never even knew
existed in the world. I lived my whole childhood and adult life
without encountering a single racial slur until Hollywood.
They have sent me
racial slurs via email, calling me a “nigger.” They’ve sent
me sexist slurs and xenophobic items as well. Not to mention,
Madonna has sent members of her sick Hollywood cult “Kabbalah” whom
she calls the Illuminati, to stalk and angrily confront me in public
calling me “nigger” and “slave” among other slurs. Meanwhile I’m
thinking how do people get so filled with that type of rage and hate
that they go around doing such things.
Hollywood has opened my eyes to the severe levels of
hate and depravity that exists in this world, regarding the raging
hatred and contempt they have for black people. For example, prior
to Hollywood I’d never heard the term “slave food.”
As with all my trips to London (where three
generations of my family live and I also come from English descent)
disgusting Madonna had a private investigator and thugs from her
cult in Hollywood stalking and harassing me. In fact, every trip I
have taken to England Madonna has done her level best to ruin with
severe criminal activity (as she did regarding trips I took to Los
Angeles and New York as well).
In remember I was having dinner in a London
department store and I bought a stuffed lobster tail. It wasn’t even
expensive. It was about $15. Madonna‘s sick cult in Hollywood raised
heck over it. They began stating I should not be eating lobster and
that I should be eating “slave food.”
She sent people from her cult in America to harass
and threaten me in London. One of the threats echoed the same evil
madness that she kept sending people to state to me in America,
“You’re not allowed to have anything.” Someone works hard for what
they have, yet a thieving, dirty, ugly degenerate (Madonna) who sits
on her backside all day stealing from people, is arrogantly breaking
the law with the mindset that black people are slaves, who are not
allowed to have anything.
Madonna has been bribing people left right and
center in trying to make that happen. Madonna is known for issuing
criminal bribes and has been outed for it in the press, such as
bribing a judge in Malawi to illegally adopt African children she
should not have custody of, as she is a racist, psychotic, violent
madwoman, who was previously sued for choking and beating up an
11-year-old boy in New York named Keith Sorrentino (she settled the
case for $700,000 according to the New York Post). She has also
bribed judges in America with stock, to throw out civil cases
against her for serious misconduct, such as criminal copyright
infringement and racketeering.
Madonna and her cronies in Hollywood have criminally
stolen billions of dollars worth of copyrights from me (which they
devalued with their stupidity) that I had already registered in the
Library of Congress in Washington prior to the infringements.
They’ve made a lot of money from the brazen criminal behavior. I
have not made even a penny off my preexisting copyrights.
They've also ramped up the stealing again and have
spread it to places like Netflix and OWN (take
a look at the long growing list of items they keep stealing from my
preexisting copyrights). They are never satisfied. They are
absolutely greedy, thieving, bottom of the barrel trash. It is a
disgrace and something that should never have happened in any
civilized society. It is completely sick and evil. Madonna and her
Hollywood cult behave like scum and savages.
On top of that, they criminally stole $250,000 in
equity from my home and began criminally targeting other minorities
I know in the same manner, acting like we don't have any rights (Senator
Sends Madonna Case To The Justice Department For Full Review - Part
2). Through criminal fraud and corruption, they also
destroyed an online businesses I opened (online merchant).
Madonna bribed former FBI Director,
Robert Mueller, to get away with the crime and help her and her cronies in
Hollywood, to further criminally exploit and abuse me. They are
nothing but a bunch of disgusting, dirty slavetraders. There have
been repeated incidents for years regarding the FBI getting caught
taking bribes (FBI
Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A Criminal
Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases)
. This year alone, the U.S. Inspector General published his
congressionally mandated government report on the FBI and found 50
incidents of the FBI taking bribes.
What they’ve stolen has not been enough to satisfy
their greed. On different occasions, she has sent members of her
cult to my home of all places, to confront me with threats and crazy
demands about any new copyrights I have written. These people in
that cult are complete and utter trash. They think they are to own
everything and black people are here on earth to serve them. Most
people would be too embarrassed to steal and take credit for other
people’s work and property, but not those stupid losers.
In the past week alone, I have been confronted with
stalking and racial slurs from this cult, among other things. When I
left the courthouse in downtown Miami on Monday, after filing a
document in a case regarding Madonna bribing a driver, Henry Meijiar,
to issue a death threat to me, I was stalked and harassed again.
They are trying to cover up what happened in that case.
The driver, a man with ties to a Los Angeles street
gang, who stated he had just moved to Miami from California, was
sent to drive me home and out of nowhere he began talking to me
about “the Illuminati” and mentioning Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce and
Rihanna. Then he stated, “An attack is coming. Prepare for it” and
made stabbing motions with his hands. He started talking about me
being stabbed.
And this is the piece of psychotic trash the FBI has
running loose, Madonna, a dumb, dirty thief, who is bribing people
to stalk and threaten others on her behalf. She’s the most common,
vulgar and low class piece of trash on the planet. She has no sense
of decency or self-control to be commissioning these sick,
desperate, crazy crimes.
After I left the courthouse on Monday, August 5,
2019 at approximately 3:40PM, a strange woman starts walking fast
outside the court trying to catch up to me. The vile woman was sent
by the cult to harass me, issue a racial slur and criminal death
threat. She comes up to me pretending to need directions to the
family court. I politely pointed to where it is located. However,
she was only pretending to need instructions to the court.
Within seconds she starts talking about “the Pork
and Beans” which is an informal name for an area in Miami which has
a crime problem. My mom and I had been privately talking about it
2-days prior in our home, as we have a friend who lives there that
my mom spoke to over our phones that have been illegally wiretapped
by Madonna (in conduct her private investigator Anthony Pellicano
was locked up for after the FBI interviewed me about it, but she
simply switched to new ones and got sued with one of them, Gavin
DeBecker, for criminal behavior, against a man in America).
Out of nowhere, this awful, racist woman from
Madonna’s cult, starts spewing this insane bile at me right there
outside the courthouse on the sidewalk. That’s how confident they
are in committing crime, that they do so right on the court’s
The woman from the cult, who is a white woman, out
of nowhere brings up “the Pork and Beans” to me, a black woman, and
starts angrily, hatefully and menacingly stating she will “shoot a
BLACK fu*ker.” I was disgusted at her comment, but I sighed, rolled
my eyes and kept walking away from her. Meanwhile, she kept rushing
to keep up with me to spew more bile at me, which is something that
stupid cult’s members keep doing when they stalk and come up to me
with their criminal conduct.
She didn’t need directions, as she did not go in the
direction of any courthouse. It was an excuse to get my attention,
in pretending to need directions. Then she quickly spewed the death
threat they told her to tell me. I ask you, how was this appropriate
human behavior for this woman to be sent to me with this racist,
threatening, evil hate speech. It was meant to make me angry and get
a rise out of me, with the goal of it leading to violence. However,
I avoid violence, as I am a Christian and I‘ve never attacked
She was trying to provoke me with the racist comment
and death threat, but I certainly wouldn’t give those losers the
satisfaction. At the end of the day, I love being black and I’m very
secure in who I am. I’m also a busy person and don’t have time for
the foolishness coming from those idiots and degenerates in that
cult. The woman was also smoking a cigarette in my face as she kept
rushing to walk beside, then in front of me. I do not like cigarette
smoke (which that insane cult knows and keeps stalking me and coming
up to me puffing smoke in my face).
There was also an incident on July 19, 2019 at a
Miami supermarket, where vile Madonna sent 4 people from her
Kabbalah cult to stalk, harass and terrorize me in the store. They
followed me through the store. Took pictures of me. Wrote down what
I bought. Approached me with menacing, harassing speech and one of
them kept holding her arm up and out, flashing Madonna's Kabbalah
cult's red string bracelet in front of me, wanting me to see the
stupid thing.
They are constantly doing this insanity when I go
shopping. The whole thing is disgusting and pathetic. Madonna and
her cult are the most pathetic set of losers on the planet. They
prove the phrase true, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." These
losers have nothing better to do with their time and it's
Madonna keeps commissioning these hate crimes and
threats of violence against me. Many of these incidents have taken
on a racial tone. That ugly, foul piece of trash Madonna is an
underachieving, thieving idiot who has no talent. Yet thinks she is
somehow superior to others. Madonna is not superior to anyone.
As stated previously, they even tried to run me over
with vehicles on different occasions. One of her sick cult members
was sent to grab me during one insane incident, where he tried to
drag me into a utility type room in downtown Miami near Marshalls. I
started screaming to call attention to it, which prompted him to let
me go and a cop started chasing him.
They’ve made threats to cut my throat, so I can’t
sing anymore (I have a 5-octave voice and can sing any type of
music, meanwhile Madonna sounds like a chipmunk on crack). They’ve
made threats to have dogs maul me to death. They even approached me
with dogs on two different occasions, threatening to have the dogs
attack me (once in a park outside my former home in Miami and on
another occasion after I walked by a park I liked to go to in London
in 2015).
Madonna and her cult behave like domestic
terrorists. They are criminals and should not be free. This is the
type of human rights abuses I have been facing in America and on a
regular basis. Madonna even had a member of her cult issue the slur
“go home.” When I did, the piece of trash sent people to stalk me to
my homeland Jamaica and separately England as well (ancestral home).
What kind of pathetic piece of trash tells someone the slur to “go
home” then when the person does, you act like maniacs and begin
stalking them across the Atlantic like lunatics. How pathetic are
you. These people in that cult have reached levels of pathetic I
never knew possible.
When I was in England, Madonna sent members of her
cult to stalk and harass me about being there, like they were there
retrieving a runaway slave. The FBI also got in on the act. They
began harassing my family in London and demanding I return to
America, like I was some runaway slave (I was lawfully in Britain
each time I‘ve gone there and not bothering a soul).
It was astounding. I found it very ironic and insane
that I was being harassed by Madonna in England, a nation that is a
part of my ancestry. Madonna with the support of the FBI, were
acting like I was a runaway slave, who had no right to be there and
needed to be retrieved (though each time I did visit lawfully, with
the permission of the British government and never overstayed my
I have two English ancestors. One of my lines goes
all the way back to the Norman conquest 1,000 years ago (Harvey). My
ancestor’s family descends from the Harvey family in Kent, from
which the English physician/scientist William Harvey was born (my
ancestor’s name is also William Harvey). Another of my ancestral
lines goes back beyond the Norman Conquest, to the original English
people, the Anglo-Saxons (my surname is Goodison, like the street
and stadium in England).
My two English ancestors moved to Jamaica. They had
money and like many at the time, were looking for ways to increase
it. One was a catechist in the church and an account who founded and
built a town in Jamaica called Harvey River. While he and his
brother John were there building the town, his wife in England died.
So he sent for his children from England, then married a local black
woman, my great-great grandmother. Then she had five children for
him over time.
You would think with this English blood in me I had
the right to lawfully visit the land of my forefathers in peace.
However, not according to Madonna and company. They began breaking
the law in Britain in trying to get at me for being there. It was
and is patently offensive. This is the arrogance Madonna and the FBI
have, in that they think they own Britain. They act like Britain is
a piece of property they own, where they can traipse on its shores
with all sorts of unethical, criminal conduct against innocent
Once again, that cult and the FBI, who have
supported their criminal conduct due to bribery (which the FBI keeps
getting outed for in a number of cases) are nothing but a bunch of
slavetraders. They act like they are keeping slaves. Their arrogance
and lawlessness knows no bounds.
They don’t value black lives. They think black
people are inferior, beneath them, have no rights and solely exist
to be criminally exploited. They still have the mentality that black
people are slave labor, who have no human rights and are not to rise
in society. Only scumbucket slavetraders behave that way. It was bad
enough that this conduct happened in the past (1800s) but
inexcusable and disgusting that it is transpiring today in modern
Side Bar: Remember
the civil case I wrote about that was fraudulently filed
against my mom, which I sent to Congress a month ago and it was
voluntarily dismissed by the Plaintiff 2-weeks ago. The dismissal
enraged Madonna’s cult. So much so, someone from her cult called my
mom’s private, unlisted phone number 2-days ago making threats and
screaming at her about the fraudulent case.
It was not the law firm or their client who
voluntarily dismissed the case with prejudice (no money was paid to
do so - there was no settlement or arrangement of any sort). It was
a member of Madonna’s cult and their conduct is illegal. They had
all her information (from hacking) even her social security and were
making abusive threats.
When credit card companies call people, they don’t
have your social security number to recite it back to you, along
with your name, address and other personal, identifying information.
However, that is something criminal hackers do and it has been
proved that Madonna has 3 hackers on staff at her deranged, pathetic
Kabbalah Centers.
I’ve also received crazy, threatening calls to my
private, unlisted number (they obtained through hacking) from that
cult on a regular basis. Sometimes they call and breathe into the
phone making demonic breathing noises. Other times they call making
crazy claims and issuing threats. They are completely out of control
and belong behind bars.
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita
Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The
Kabbalah Center
Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist
Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)
Robert Mueller Testimony In Congress Exposed The Fact He Is
Struggling With Dementia And Senility (Video)
Beyonce and Jay Z
copyright infringement