CDC Makes Pronouncement Against Johnson &
Johnson's Deadly Coronavirus Vaccine Confirming
Previous Site Claims
December 16. 2021

Johnson & Johnson
The CDC (Centers for Disease
Control) has denounced the Johnson & Johnson
coronavirus vaccine stating it can cause serious
blood clots which can turn fatal. People have
developed blood clots, even in the brain, after
receiving the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine,
which resulted in hospitalization and or death. I
previously wrote about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine
on the site (Johnson
& Johnson Are The Second Pharma Giant To Pause
Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Due To A Participant
Developing Unexplained Illnesses Confirming Previous
Site Claims ).
Please take the coronavirus
seriously. Your life and health are depending on it.
Once again, the things I have previously stated
repeatedly proved true.
My previous time stamped statements on
from July 25, 2020 regarding the then unreleased
vaccines potential to cause serious side effects
including heart attacks, strokes and death, which
has happened again A YEAR AND A HALF LATER,
regarding thousands of serious adverse events,
including deaths (Thousands
Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks
And Strokes Confirming Previous Site Claims):

CDC recommends Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 shots
over J&J’s
Most Americans should be given the
Pfizer or Moderna vaccines instead of the Johnson
& Johnson shot that can cause rare but serious blood
clots, U.S. health officials said Thursday. The
strange clotting problem has caused nine confirmed
deaths after J&J vaccinations — while the Pfizer
and Moderna vaccines don’t come with that risk and
also appear more effective, said advisers to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
CDC Panics And Opens An Emergency Investigation Into
More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart Problems Due To Coronavirus
Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims
Joe Biden Slammed In The Press For Declaring Victory
Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And Deaths In A Fourth
Wave Of The Virus (Video)
Mainstream Scientists Debunk Coronavirus 'Herd
Immunity' Claim Popularized By Politicians Such As Boris Johnson Confirming
Previous Site Claims
Fully Vaccinated Doctor From New Jersey's Rutgers
Medical School Dies Of Covid In His Native India
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