The CDC Admits COVID-19
Vaccines Are Causing Bloodclots Which Lead To Heart
Attacks And Strokes (Confirming Previous Site
January 6. 2023

The U.S. Centers For DiseaseControl
(CDC) have finally admitted that COVID-19 vaccines
are causing bloodclots thata lead to strokes and
heart attacks. A new report issued this week is
entitled "CDC Finds Hundreds of Safety Signals for
Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines."

The report finds that, "The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has
identified hundreds of safety signals for the two
most widely administered COVID-19 vaccines,
according to monitoring results obtained by The
Epoch Times. Bell’s palsy, blood clotting, and death
were among the signals flagged through analysis of
adverse event reports submitted to the Vaccine
Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)."
It is a well established medical
fact that bloodclots lead to strokes and or heart
attacks, which can prove debilitating or fatal.
Several months prior to the release of the COVD-19
vaccines I warned about this:

Tweet from my Twitter page on July 25, 2020,
months before the vaccines were released, has
proven prophetic (Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims and
CDC Panics And Opens An Emergency
Investigation Into More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart Problems
Due To Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims)
There is also a report of a baby
dying from bloodclots due to being given vaccinated
blood against the parent's wishes, "Baby Dies of
Blood Clot After Transfusion of COVID-Vaccinated
Blood, Parents Claim –The baby’s mother said that
Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in
Spokane, Washington, threatened to call Child
Protective Services (CPS) if they did not allow
their baby, Alexander Eliot Bly, to receive the
COVID-vaccinated blood transfusion."
Side Bar: Three
friends I've known for many years had strokes
shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. They'd
never had any health problems before. They received
the vaccine in 2022 and within a short time had
damaging strokes, necessitating physical therapy,
and they still have not fully recovered at this
time. It has harmed them. It is very upsetting
CDC Finds Hundreds of Safety Signals for
Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines
January 5, 2023 - CDC Finds Hundreds
of Safety Signals for Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19
Vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) has identified hundreds of safety
signals for the two most widely administered
COVID-19 vaccines, according to monitoring results
obtained by The Epoch Times. Bell’s palsy, blood
clotting, and death were among the signals flagged
through analysis of adverse event reports submitted
to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
The CDC, which runs VAERS with the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), describes it as “the nation’s
early warning system” for vaccine issues. The CDC’s
primary analysis compared the reports made for
specific events suffered after receipt of a Moderna
or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to the reports lodged
following vaccination with any other vaccine, or all
non-COVID-19 vaccines. The type of analysis is known
as Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR).
Dr. McCullough: NFL player’s cardiac arrest may have
been caused by ‘vaccine-induced myocarditis’ | 3 Jan
2023 | The tragic cardiac arrest suffered by a
24-year-old Buffalo Bills safety on Monday Night
Football may have been caused by “vaccine-induced
myocarditis,” according to distinguished internist,
cardiologist, and epidemiologist Dr. Peter
McCullough. “If Damar Hamlin indeed took one of the
COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced
myocarditis must be considered in the differential
diagnosis,” McCullough told COVID vaccine journalist
Steve Kirsch last night. In the statement that was
also amplified by the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), McCullough described
the tragic event as “a classical cardiac arrest,”
which was later confirmed to be accurate by the
Buffalo Bills, and expressed solidarity in prayer
with the entire nation for Hamlin’s “complete
Baby Dies of Blood Clot After
Transfusion of COVID-Vaccinated Blood, Parents
Claim –The baby’s mother said that Providence Sacred
Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, Washington,
threatened to call Child Protective Services (CPS)
if they did not allow their baby, Alexander Eliot
Bly, to receive the COVID-vaccinated blood
transfusion. | 29 Dec 2022 | A 45-day-old baby named
Alexander Eliot Bly died of a blood clot on February
17, 2022, after a transfusion of likely-vaccinated
blood was administered against the wishes and
without the knowledge of Alex’s parents at
Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in
Spokane, Washington. “This is my son before and
after he got a blood transfusion of poisoned blood.
We begged the hospital to let us get pure blood.
They refused and gave the blood to him without
consent. He developed a blood clot instantly that
stretched from his knee to his heart. He made it to
two weeks before died,” Hertzler said in a Facebook
CDC Panics And Opens An Emergency
Investigation Into More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart Problems
Due To Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims
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