Brother Of Rapper Uzzy Marcus Arrested After
Live Streaming Video With The Dead Bodies Of His Fiancée And Her
15-Year-old DaughterFebruary 4. 2021

Raymond Michael Weber posing with the dead bodies of Savannah
Rae Theberge, and her 15-year-old daughter (photos redacted by the
Judiciary Report). He needs to get life in prison without the
possibility of parole.
29-year-old Raymond Michael Weber, the brother of
rapper Uzzy Marcus, has been arrested after live streaming a grisly
video of himself with the dead bodies of two females, one of whom is
underage. Weber has been arrested on charges of murder in the death
of his 27-year-old fiancée, Savannah Rae Theberge, and her
15-year-old daughter.

Savannah Rae Theberge
After being alerted to the video online by horrified
viewers, police went to Weber's apartment at a military housing
complex in Vacaville, California. Weber barricaded himself inside
the apartment and refused to answer police. After an 8-hour
standoff, Weber surrendered to police.

Uzzy Marcus
Weber is no stranger to criminal charges involving
murder. In 2014, Weber was implicated in the killing of his
19-year-old girlfriend, Nicole Duarte, in a crime rapper, Uzzy
Marcus, real name Marcus Weber, was accused of committing. He
pleaded no contest. There is clearly a problem regarding these two
men, who have twice been accused of committing the same crime of
murdering a woman.
Rapper Uzzy Marcus’ brother arrested after live-streaming with
two women’s bodies
Tue, February 2, 2021, 7:35 PM - One victim is
reportedly the fiancé of the alleged killer . The brother of rapper
Uzzy Marcus has been arrested after live-streaming himself with the
bodies of two dead women.
Raymond Michael Weber, 29, of California, was hauled
off to jail after allegedly sharing a video on Instagram of himself
holding a gun, with a woman and a teenage girl lying motionless on
the floor. A neighbor reportedly called the Vacaville Police
Department after witnessing his disturbing antics with the weapon...