Brittany Renner Backtracks On Claim She Receives
$200,000 Per Month In Child Support From Basketball
Player PJ Washington As New Boyfriend Kevin Samuels
Throws Her And Baby Out Of His Home
December 2. 2021

The "Rickey Smiley Morning Show" asked listeners
if Renner should be charged for having sex with a
then 17-year-old PJ Washington
Instagram model Brittany Renner is
accused of making claims that she receives $200,000
per month in child support from Hornets basketball
player, PJ Washington, whom she began dating when he
was 17 and she 26. Renner is accused of trapping
Washington with a baby when he was 18 and she 27.
Renner has been widely slammed on
social networking and blogs for this unethical
conduct in becoming pregnant for such a young NBA
prospect, who was not ready to become a dad.
Washington expressed he now feels used and like she
was faking the whole thing for money.

Renner is now denying extracting $200,000 per
month in child support from PJ Washington
Renner recently began dating
50-year-old social media influencer, Kevin Samuels.
Renner quickly moved into his home with her baby.
However, she went on a tirade yesterday that gives
the impression Samuels kicked her out of his home.
Renner is now complaining on Instagram that she and
her baby have to move back in with her mom.
Renner is implying she is broke.
This led people online to wonder what happened to
all the child support Renner stated she extracts
from Washington, in the aforementioned amount of
$200,000. NO house or car and moving back in with
her mom after making such grandiose claims about
child support is odd.

Brittany Renner, PJ Washington and their baby.
Washington now has a new girlfriend who is another
Instagram model.
However, Renner is now backtracking
stating "What about being harassed about receiving
200K in child support? WHICH IS NOT TRUE IDK WHY
No, the question is who in their
right mind would start the rumor they are receiving
$200,000 monthly in child support if it is not true,
and you did that. You put that rumor out here and
left people astonished by your claims. Stop trying
to gaslight the public. You are also the one who
proudly stated, "Professional athletes don't use
condoms. If you really wanna come up off a check,
sleep with an athlete."

Brittany Renner and her baby
The problem is Renner is a
spendthrift. She stated her self-published tell all
book about having sex with athletes and singers sold
"thousands of copies." However she told Vlad TV that
she likes to buy expensive clothes and shoes ("red
bottoms" which cost upwards of $1,000 each), and
eats out often. Renner should have bought her own
home off the book sales and Instagram ad revenue.
However, she's blown all her money and does not have
a house or car to show for it, which is financially
irresponsible, especially considering you stopped
taking birth control and trapped a young athlete
with a baby.
Women have to make sure they are
financially independent. Do your best to work and
save your money. Don't look at a baby as a check.
Make sure you can provide for your child/children
yourself, because at the end of the day they are
depending on you.
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Brittany Renner Slams Professional Athletes As An
Easy Way To Get A Check Because They Don't Use