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Britney Threatens To Sue Over Billboard Ads
Calling Her A “Nut Job”
June 18. 2007

Britney Spears flipped her
wig lid when she saw Billboard ads by a Top 40 radio station that referred to
her as a “nut job” and “certifiable.” She is now threatening to sue the station,
even going as far as calling her lawyer in attempts to have the billboards taken
down (See legal letters below).
If that’s the case, she’s
gonna have to sue just about every blog in the blogosphere, hundreds of
newspapers and millions of message board users around the world, who call her
crazy on a daily basis. That's millions of people.
So much for freedom of
speech. As a guideline, it's not defamation when it's true and can be proven as
such. That is covered by freedom of speech. You think the radio station is
telling us something we don't know.

She acts like her insanity
is some secret. The whole world knows. The ads only mirror what the world has been saying due to her
crazy conduct.
Unless you are going to
bribe the judge, which has been done by the stars, labels and major studios of
Hollywood, to get out of lawsuits and prosecution for crimes they've committed, much to the public disgrace of the
judiciary, you’ve got no case. How soon she forgets:
EXHIBIT A: Shaving her
head like she's joining the army:

EXHIBIT B: Looking like an
extra in Star Wars due to bad buzz job and crazed look on her face:

EXHIBIT C: Looking like an
enraged demon:

EXHIBIT D: Beating up a
poor, innocent, empty, defenseless SUV, because she's crazy like that. I mean
really, what did the poor car do to you:

EXHIBIT E: Walking off
like nothing happened, like nobody saw the mess:

EXHIBIT F: Walking
running off like nobody saw it. Ok, then...

EXHIBIT G: Shaving her
legs poolside at the Mondrian Hotel the next day like it's normal:

EXHIBIT H: Running around
confused like a headless chicken the next day. Bimbo don't believe in using

EXHIBIT I: Britney's baby
forced to "Lean Back" like he's Fat Joe, after Britney nearly dropped him on the
cold, hard New York concrete (just like landing on a pillow, huh Britney):

EXHIBIT J: Britney's baby
burning rubber, becoming the youngest unlicensed driver in U.S. history:

EXHIBIT K: Britney looking
like Satan, her master, right before she was calling herself the anti-Christ in

Britney Ballistic Over
Singer may sue over radio
show's "nut job" advertisements
JUNE 17--Britney Spears is
threatening legal action against a Florida radio station that used a bald-headed
photo of the pop star on billboards that appear to call her sanity into
question. In a June 14 letter to Clear Channel Communications lawyer Donna
Schneider, Spears's counsel claims that the billboards promoting the MJ Morning
Show were "outrageous to the extreme" and demanded their removal.
A copy of the Spears legal
letter can be found below. The three outdoor advertisements, which are
reproduced at right, pair a paparazzi photo of a bald, snarling Spears with a
picture of WFLZ morning show host Todd Schnitt (who uses the air name MJ Kelli).
They are headlined, "Total Nut Jobs," "Shock Therapy," and "Certifiable."
According to the star's lawyer, Spears's "likeness has a multi-million-dollar
value for authorized commercial exploitations" and, as a result, she is entitled
to "very substantial damages" from Clear Channel.
The MJ Morning Show airs on
several stations across Florida. The Spears billboards, which first appeared
last month, advertised the program in Tampa, Jacksonville, and Clearwater. (2
pages) – The Smoking Gun

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