Britney Spears Loses Custody Of
Her Kids To Ex-Husband Kevin Federline Who Filed Restraining Order
Against Her Dad Over Fight With Her 12-Year-Old Son Sean Preston
September 4. 2019

Britney Spears and her sons Jayden James and
Sean Preston
Severely mentally ill pop singer Britney Spears, 37,
has lost custody of her children again, to her ex-husband and former
back-up dancer, Kevin Federline, 41. Spears will only retain 30%
unsupervised custodial rights, while Federline will receive 70%, for
the safety of their children, Jayden James and Sean Preston, both
aged 12.
Spears originally lost custody of her children
11-years-ago, when she experienced a psychotic break while under the
brainwashing of Madonna's Kabbalah cult, and began physically
attacking others, including her sons, who were toddlers at the time.
A schizophrenic Spears shook one toddler and bit the other during a
standoff with police in Los Angeles. Spears was involuntarily
committed to the psych ward of a Los Angeles hospital (twice) due to
the mental abuse she incurred at the Kabbalah Center, which caused
her mind to snap.
In July, Spears stopped talking her antipsychotic
medication and her father had her committed again for 30-days, as
she posed a danger to herself and others in an unmedicated state.
Medical science currently has no cure for schizophrenia. They only
hope to contain it by medicating the patient with strong
antipsychotic drugs to control the rages, outbursts and violent
attacks that accompany it.

Kevin Federline
Recently, Federline filed a complaint with police
alleging Spears' father Jamie Spears, 61, hit one of his grandsons.
Federline told police Jamie broke down a door at his (Jamie's) home
to get to his grandson, Sean Preston, and shook him. The boy
sustained no injuries according to the police report and Jamie was
not arrested.
Federline obtained a restraining order uncontested
that bars Jamie from contact with him, Sean Preston and Jayden James
for the next 3-years. He has also been granted the right to approve
the conditions under which Britney can be around her children
Kevin Federline Files Police Report, Gets
Restraining Order Against Britney Spears’ Dad Jamie Amid Claim He
Abused Son Preston
September 3, 2019 - Kevin Federline filed a police
report — and was granted a restraining order — against Britney
Spears’ dad, Jamie Spears, after a fight involving the couple’s
13-year-old son, Sean Preston, Us Weekly can confirm. The report was
filed following a heated argument between Preston and his
grandfather, 61, at Jamie’s condo on August 24, a law enforcement
source told Us.
“Britney had the boys at Jamie’s condo on the
evening of August 24. Jamie and Sean Preston got into an argument.
Sean Preston felt unsafe and locked himself into a room. Jamie broke
into the room and shook Sean Preston,” the insider said...
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