Britney Spears Dad Jamie Spears
Agrees To End The Conservatorship
September 8. 2021

Britney Spears
Jamie Spears, the dad of retired pop
singer, Britney Spears,40, has agreed to
release his daughter from the conservatorship she
has been under for the past 13-years. Britney was
involuntarily committed to psychiatric wards by
police and medical professionals in two separate
incidents and a mental health facility in a third,
as she is struggling with schizophrenia and bipolar
Britney developed
these serious mental disorders in Kabbalah, the
Hollywood cult of psychotic, washed up singer,
Madonna. The Kabbalah cult has criminally exploited
Britney for her money and fame. After her fortune
was drained from $150,000,000 to $6,000,000,
Britney's dad attempted to rebuild her finances, by
getting her medical help and putting her back to
work. Britney signed new deals and did a Las Vegas
residency (years of performances in the same venue),
which brought her bank account back up to
The Kabbalah cult has been making
many attempts to help Britney get free from the
conservatorship, which controls her medical
treatment and finances. I was informed by a very
credible source that the Kabbalah cult wants
Britney's $60,000,000. They are back to financially
exploit her again.
I'm of the belief releasing Britney
from the conservatorship is a mistake, as time will
tell. I believe it will lead to a tragedy of her own
making. Britney is still severely mentally ill. She
recently hit her housekeeper and has been posting
mentally ill items on social networking.
Jamie Spears' court filing stated in
part, "Recent events related to this conservatorship
have called into question whether circumstances have
changed to such an extent that grounds for
establishment of a conservatorship may no longer
"Ms. Spears has told this Court that
she wants control of her life back without the
safety rails of a conservatorship. She wants to be
able to make decisions regarding her own medical
care, deciding when, where and how often to get
therapy. She wants to control the money she has made
from her career and spend it without supervision or
oversight. She wants to be able to get married and
have a baby, if she so chooses. In short, she wants
to live her life as she chooses without the
constraints of a conservator or court proceeding."
"As Mr. Spears has said again and
again, all he wants is what is best for his
daughter. If Ms. Spears wants to terminate the
conservatorship and believes that she can handle her
own life, Mr. Spears believes that she should get
that chance."
Britney Spears' father petitions to end her
Updated 10:41 PM ET, Tue September
7, 2021 - (CNN)Britney Spears' fight to end her
court-ordered conservatorship took an unexpected
turn on Tuesday when her father and the conservator
of her estate, Jamie Spears, filed a petition to end
the arrangement.
In a court filing obtained by CNN on
Tuesday, the elder Spears cited his daughter's pleas
at two separate court hearings over the summer in
his request to terminate the 13-year
"Recent events related to this
conservatorship have called into question whether
circumstances have changed to such an extent that
grounds for establishment of a conservatorship may
no longer exist," the filing states...
Britney Spears Has Been Missing
Doses Of Antipsychotic Medication And Is Now Under Criminal
Investigation For Hitting Her Housekeeper Confirming Previous Site