Britney Spears Concert
Tickets Still Not Selling
June 9. 2009

Britney Spears looking very evil in that
pic - she has that "where's my umbrella" look on her face!
Sony Music
lip-syncer Britney Spears is still having trouble selling
concert tickets, so much so her backers have lowered the ticket
prices to $4 to spare her further embarrassment (empty seats).
Comeback, what comeback! I've been writing for several months
so-called comeback is not legitimate, full of smoke and
mirrors, rigged chart positions and greatly inflated sales.
Britney Spears
Slashes Unsold Concert Tickets To $4!!!
Posted on Jun 09, 2009 @ 10:32AM -
Britney Spears is having a ‘fire sale’- by selling tickets for
her London Circus tour for less than four bucks. Unsold VIP
standing tickets with a face value of over $150 were slashed to
fill the O2 arena over the weekend, according to the UK Sun
Promoters sanctioned the sale
because they didn’t want a sea of empty seats to give off a bad
image for the pop star...All of the cut-price tickets were sold
although at roughly a $146 loss apiece...