Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson
And His Fiancée Carrie Symonds Announce Their Birth Of
Their ChildMay 4. 2020

Carrie Symonds (center) and Boris Johnson
Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson,
and his mistress-turned-fiancée, Carrie Symonds, have
announced the birth of their child. The baby was born on
Wednesday, April 29, 2020. The couple have named their
son Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson. It's a wonder they
didn't name the baby Tory, Winston or Churchill.
The baby was born early. Both parents
contracted coronavirus, with Johnson requiring
hospitalization, as he almost died. Newspapers
questioned why Johnson was allowed to be in the delivery
room during the birth of his child, after so recently
being released from hospital with coronavirus.
Journalists branded Johnson's conduct unsafe.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson Is
Failing In Office At Taking An Aggressive Stance In The Fight
Against The Deadly Coronavirus (Which He Has Contracted)
Prime Minister
Boris Johnson Should Stay Away From Pregnant Fiancée Carrie Symonds For
Several Weeks After His Coronavirus Quarantine Is Completed
Britain's Prime
Minister Boris Johnson Released From Hospital After Nearly Dying And
Being Placed In Intensive Care With The Coronavirus (Video)
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
Boris Johnson's Pregnant Mistress
Carrie Symonds Is Refusing To Be Tested For Coronavirus After Displaying
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Contracts Coronavirus After Promoting Shaking Hands With Sick Patients
And Faulty Herd Immunity
Boris Johnson's Catalogue Of Errors
And Poor Choices Has Left Britain Vulnerable During The Coronavirus
Outbreak (Video)
New York Times Publishes Article On
Boris Johnson Detailing Government Covering Up The Illnesses Of Prime
Britain’s Prime Minister Boris
Johnson Hospitalized In Intensive Care Due To Worsening Coronavirus