Boris Johnson Has Weakened
Britain In The World With Brexit Resulting In
Revenue And Trade Deal Losses
Confirming Previous Claims
July 27. 2022

Boris Johnson
This week the British government
went on record publicly revealing its U.S.
counterpart does not want to do a trade deal
with them at this time. Britain's proposed trade deal with the
Australian government has also hit an impasse.
4-years ago I stated on,
the British government needed to put all differences
aside and get the trade deal with America done.
However, there were squabbles that delayed the deal.
Then Britain made the mistake of leaving the EU,
when it had provided them more leverage in the
world. Britain is now
negotiating without proper leverage and from a
weakened standpoint. This has resulted in the U.S.
government putting a potential trade deal on the
back burner.
British government now states the
U.S. government under Joe Biden does not want to do
a trade deal:
I was last in Britain in
December 2015. Britain was very prosperous at the
time. It got
to the heads of select conservative politicians, such as
former Prime Ministers, David Cameron, Theresa May and
Boris Johnson. The aforementioned Prime Ministers thought they were invincible,
when none of us in life have said status. Johnson
got very abusive with the European Union, and made slurs
against Africans and people of Middle Eastern
I warned it was best to be humble with the
European Union, as the British government under
conservative party management insisted on leaving. I
also stated it was best to work on
their trade deals in the world when they were a part
of the bloc, as Britain was financially
stronger at that time. I knew once out of the
European Union that Britain would be more vulnerable, have
financial losses and be less of a dominant figure in
the world, due to these drastic changes.

Tweets from my Twitter page in 2017 and 2018
warning Britain to get the trade deal done back then
when Trump was in office. Now Biden does not want to
do the trade deal.
However, the conservatives did the
opposite. As a result of these choices, Britain has lost £2 trillion and are being
offered less desirable trade deals, which means
reduced revenues. The whole thing is a mess and
Johnson is its poster boy. He certainly doesn't have
the £2 trillion to repay the British people for all
the losses they've incurred due to his stupid advice and
terrible misconduct.
Johnson did not and does not have the business acumen to navigate
Britain out of the murky waters he has sailed her
into via Brexit.
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