Blonde Ambition Bombs
Successful Site Boycott Of Infringing
Only 48 People Bought Movie Tickets
December 26. 2007

"Blonde Ambition"
Another boycott from the
Aisha v Madonna legal case
was successful this past weekend when the infringing film
Blonde Ambition bombed at
the box office. Thanks to all that participated in the boycott.
This is one of the infringements I
complained about in the first FBI interview I had about the
case. It is also mentioned in the
FBI interview summation I obtained under
the Freedom Of Information Act.
I listed this infringement as an
example of the willful and criminal copyright thefts when asked
by the agent. The flop "Blonde Ambition" is a "criminal
copyright infringement" of my book manuscript and film script
"Beautiful Inspirations" copyrighted in 2003.
As I told the first FBI agent in
November 2005 during the interview, Madonna ripped off my
unreleased 2003 copyrighted book manuscript, changing the name
from "Beautiful Inspirations" (2003) to Madonna's Inspirations"
and illegally released it as her own in 2006. My Library of
Congress copyright predates her illegal release by 3 years.
But in 2007, Madonna illegally sold
my accompanying film script to Joe Simpson and Jessica Simpson,
once again, criminally renaming my copyright from "Beautiful
Inspirations" (the movie) to "Blonde Ambition" after herself and
her 90's tour of the same name. Once again, my copyright from
the Library of Congress predates the illegally released film
"Blonde Ambition" by 4 years.
Furthermore, Sony Pictures, who
according to IMDB was the original studio for the film - came up
in my web site statistics records as a visitor with many
hits/visits to this site before the movie "Blonde Ambition" was
illegally made - when they shouldn't even know who I am at all.
For a couple years now, several
private, unreleased copyrights of mine registered with the Library Of Congress
years ago, have been surfacing at Sony Pictures. "Hancock" is another criminally
infringing film that was willfully stolen from my older copyrights in violation
of international law.
Another thing that I have noticed
is actor Luke Wilson is in "Blonde Ambition" and another film
stolen from my copyrights "My Super Ex-Girlfriend." He
has some serious explaining to do.

Jessica Simpson
But back to Simpson. Last month,
there were articles in the press about book publishers mysteriously rejecting a
poetry and photography book by Jessica Simpson that bears a striking resemblance
to my unreleased poetry and photography book "Poetic
Heart" whose copyright once again predates hers by 2 years.
Ms. Simpson also has some
explaining to do, as my copyrighted book and photos for it that
I took is in an unreleased, private copyright in the Library of
Congress. That's two criminally infringing
projects that have ended up in your possession Jessica and since
the word in the industry is you are in Madonna's Kabbalah cult,
it fills in many blanks in this story as to how you illegally
came across said work.
Furthermore, have you no shame. I come from generations
of writers - my aunt is Jamaica's poet
laureate. How do you think it looks criminally ripping
me off, a poet and photographer, among other things, at my
family's trade that there is so much proof we've been doing for
many years - seeing as though you're a ditzy former reality TV star
that can't tell chicken from tuna, yet people are supposed to
believe you authored a book of poetry and photographic works.
The worst thing next to stealing my
work in such a vile, brazen manner is the complete trash you lot
involved in the case turn it into. I can only equate it to painting a
beautiful oil canvas...then some idiot stealing it, taking a can
of spray paint to it, erasing your signature and adding their
own, right before hanging it in a museum for critics to gawk at.
Then the critics, baffled and horrified, look at the devalued
painting and go, "You idiot, is that oil and spray paint and
what's with the xoxo sign scrawled across the canvas?"
Jessica Simpson Sets Box Office Record
Jessica Simpson may also have set a record at the box office.
Her latest film, Blonde Ambition, co-starring Luke Wilson, took
in just $1,190 over the weekend. True, it was shown in only
eight Texas theaters, but that's still an average of less than
$50 per theater per day, meaning about six people showed up to
see it in each location each day.
On his TV Guide Online blog,
film critic Ken Fox asked, "Doesn't someone like Jessica
Simpson have more than 48 friends? What about that big Texas
family of hers?...Just how bad is this thing anyway?" -