Black Staffers Abandoning
President Joe Biden's White House
July 12. 2022

Joe Biden
There is an ongoing exodus of
black staffers from the Joe Biden White House.
They are finding out things about the President
they cannot handle and have left the job.
Decades ago Biden posed with a KKK leader and
even infamously stated he does not want his
children going to school with black kids.
In more recent times, Biden
stated former U.S. President, Barack Obama, whom
he served under as Vice President, was the only
clean black man he had ever seen who was running
for office, which offended many. Joe is big on
cleanliness. After all, he showered with his
little underage daughter for years, which is
quite disturbing (Allegations President Joe Biden
Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On
Project Veritas).
This week Biden's wife, Dr. Jill
Biden, made the racially offensive comment
stating Latinos are as "unique" as "breakfast
tacos." She apologized shortly after. Joe
Biden's son, Hunter, repeatedly uses racial
slurs regarding blacks and Asians, as seen in
the leaked items from his computer, due to a
4Chan hack.
All this from an alleged
liberal. This is why African-Americans (and
foreign black people) are so upset about the
problems in America. All this unnecessary racism
and stereotyping is appalling. This family never
should have been in the White House, as they
have no class, decency or integrity. They got
there through fraud anyway...
Biden sees exodus of Black staffers and
some frustration among those who remain
May 31, 2022 - At least 21 Black
staffers have left the White House since late
last year or are planning to leave soon. Some of
those who remain say it’s no wonder why: They
describe a work environment with little support
from their superiors and fewer chances for
The departures have been so
pronounced that, according to one current and
one former White House official, some Black
aides have adopted a term for them: “Blaxit.”
The first big exit came in
December, when Kamala Harris’ senior adviser and
chief spokesperson Symone Sanders announced she
was leaving, ultimately for a gig at MSNBC.
Since then, Harris senior aides Tina Flournoy,
Ashley Etienne and Vincent Evans, and public
engagement head Cedric Richmond have left.
Public engagement aide Carissa
Smith, gender policy aide Kalisha Dessources
Figures, National Security Council senior
director Linda Etim, digital engagement director
Cameron Trimble, associate counsel Funmi
Olorunnipa Badejo, chief of staff Ron Klain
advisers Elizabeth Wilkins and Niyat Mulugheta,
press assistant Natalie Austin, National
Economic Council aides Joelle Gamble and Connor
Maxwell, and presidential personnel aides
Danielle Okai, Reggie Greer and Rayshawn Dyson
have all departed too. Deputy White House
counsel Danielle Conley and Council of Economic
Advisers aide Saharra Griffin are among others
planning to leave in the coming weeks, according
to White House officials.
The exodus has raised concerns
among outside observers who push for the
diversification of government ranks.
“I have heard about an exodus of
Black staffers from the White House — ‘Blaxit’ —
and I am concerned,” said Spencer Overton,
president of the Joint Center for Political and
Economic Studies, which tracks government staff
diversity numbers. “Black voters accounted for
22 percent of President Biden’s voters in
November 2020. It is essential that Black
staffers are not only recruited to serve in
senior, mid-level and junior White House
positions, but are also included in major policy
and personnel decisions and have opportunities
for advancement.”...
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