The Biden Administration Is
Panicking As The 2024 Presidential Election Draws
Near Due To Bad Poll Results, Proxy Wars And A
Terrible Economy Plagued By Inflation
May 28. 2024

The Biden Administration: Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden
and former President Barack Obama. Hmm which one of
them doesn't belong there but is calling all the
shots (Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time).
As the 2024 U.S. Presidential
election draws closer (November), the Biden
administration is becoming more nervous. Biden is
down in most polls. Americans are very dissatisfied
with how the country is being run. The U.S. economy
is on shaky ground with inflation higher than ever.
Americans can't afford mortgages, rents, insurance,
cars, food or gas.
This is testifying loudly against
President Joe Biden because just 4-years ago when
his rival, former President Donald Trump was in
office, Americans could afford mortgages, rents,
insurance, cars, food or gas. There were also no
wars. Under Biden, America is in proxy wars. Trump
has this on Biden in the forthcoming election.

Donald Trump
Therefore, the most Biden can do in
the public eye is continuously prosecute Trump on
shoddy legal cases that had it been any of Biden's
friends, they would never have turned into
indictments. The Biden camp are also busy laying the
groundwork to steal the election again. They've
committed so many crimes they are scared if Trump
gets back into office they will go to prison.
So desperate are they to stay in
office that they are pushing a dementia stricken
elderly man to his limits, worsening his condition,
and risking him dying as the high stress and
physical activity accelerates his mental decline.
This is known as elder abuse and it is a crime.
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Allegations President Joe Biden
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Project Veritas
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Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's
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Hunter Biden
Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden
Gave Him (Video)
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