Bernard Madoff's Sins Have Been
Destroying His Family As Another Family Member Is
Found Dead
February 24. 2022

Bernard Madoff smirking outside court
Ponzi schemer, Bernard Madoff,
committed the biggest financial fraud in American
history, via running a $65 billion dollar ponzi
scheme. Madoff lived lavishly, as did his family.
Madoff bragged about being a billionaire, knowing
full well he was stealing from others and running a
massive fraud. He was a complete fraud whose
criminal conduct damaged many people.
Madoff died in prison last year from
cancer after spending 11-years behind bars. However,
his family members are still suffering due to his
crimes. Newly published reports reveal Madoff's
sister, Sondra Wiener, 87, and her husband Marvin
Wiener, 90, died in a murder-suicide in Florida last

Madoff ran a ponzi scheme and never made a
A memo was released in the gated
community regarding the couple's tragic passing. The Wiener's son, David Wiener, is struggling
with their deaths and his wife has asked the press
and public for privacy, "At this time of grief."
Madoff caused his family so much
grief, one of his sons, Mark, at age 46, hanged
himself in the presence of his baby. He could no
longer cope with the shame and disgrace of what his
father had done and what he and the family were
implicated in, having profited from the crimes. I
must note, suicide is never the answer.

Madoff and his family members lived very
luxurious lives
Madoff's other child, Andrew, was so
stressed from all the bad things happening due to
his dad's crimes, he developed cancer and passed
away at age 48. And make no mistake, immense stress
can cause cancer. So please manage your stress.
Some of Madoff's relatives have
changed their names to get away from the disgrace,
shame and scorn of what the did regarding the ponzi
scheme. The public perception is the entire family
knew and are thieves as well. People saw the luxury
lives the Madoffs were living and have make
inferences from that.

Madoff smirking after his ponzi scheme was
What made things all the worse was
Madoff kept smirking at cameras showing no remorse
for what he had done. This misconduct added insult
to injury and not only reflected poorly on him, but
his entire family as well. What he did was
thoughtless and greedy.
People need to think before they
engage in unethical conduct, with the realization it
will not only come back to them, it will cause
damage to their family as well. Dirty money brings
bad things on people in ways said cash can't repair.
Think about the impact of your conduct on other
people, as there will always be consequences for
harming others.
Bernie Madoff’s sister and her husband found
dead in apparent murder-suicide
Last modified on Mon 21 Feb 2022
05.28 EST - The sister of the Wall Street fraudster
Bernie Madoff and her husband were found dead in
Florida in what investigators said was an apparent
The Palm Beach county sheriff’s
office on Sunday identified the couple as
87-year-old Sondra Wiener of Boynton Beach and her
90-year-old husband, Marvin Wiener. They were found
unresponsive with gunshot wounds on Thursday
afternoon, inside their residence.
“Detectives from the violent crimes
division arrived on scene to investigate further,”
the sheriff’s office said. “After further
investigation it appears to be a murder-suicide.”
Officials said causes of death would be determined
by the medical examiner’s office...