Be Careful Using
Paypal To Process Credit Card Transactions Online As They
Are Reversing Payments Without Just Cause After Merchandise
Is Shipped Out To Customers
July 22. 2016

Something strange is going on at the
California based payment processing company Paypal. People
use the company to process financial transactions online, to
avoid having to give different online merchants their credit
card information. However, small and midsize businesses such
as online stores and auctions are using Paypal as well to
process financial transactions for the products they sell
online, but to disastrous results.
I have read of cases regarding people with
online stores selling items over the internet using PayPal
to accept the credit card payments, then shipping the
products out to customers, only to have PayPal mysteriously
reverse the payments weeks or months later. Small and
midsize online stores are getting burned by PayPal as they
ship out the merchandise to customers, then the credit card
payments get reversed by Paypal, leaving them with no money
for their sales and no merchandise, as the customer already
has it in their possession.
Let that sink in, there are a number of
cases popping up regarding Paypal, not the paying customers
reversed the financial transactions, after the customers
received the merchandise, leaving online merchants without
the merchandise or money for their hard work.
I've seen documentation of this with my own
eyes. After Paypal collects the money for the credit card
transactions, plus transaction fees and the cash is sitting
in their corporate bank accounts gaining interest, weeks or
months later they reverse it, then feed the online store
owners lines like they didn't sign up for Paypal correctly
or didn't complete sign-up. Oh really?
My question is, if someone signs up for
Paypal, provides their name, address, identification, bank
account information, company registration and you Paypal
give them the necessary processing codes to place on their
site to allow Paypal to accept credit card payments on their
behalf, how did they not sign up correctly? What kind of
fraud is Paypal running and they've taken the fraud
worldwide, defrauding private citizens selling items and
online store owners. Therefore, the problem has gone
worldwide. Once again, I've seen documentation of it with my
own eyes.
The Obama Administration has also been using
Paypal to financially damage people it deems political
enemies, in conduct that is completely criminal,
discriminatory and a violation of their oaths of office.
There are many noted cases of the Obama Administration
engaging in this criminal behavior and it is disgraceful
(much like
they've corrupted Google). No administration
is U.S. history has so politically tampered with the
American business sector and in such insidious ways.
Something very weird and criminal is going
on at Paypal that could cost you your online business. Be
very careful of them. Paypal has become a danger and a
liability for online stores who account for billions of
dollars in trade every year.
Obama And Hillary Clinton Tried To Use The Federal Election
Commission To Silence And Punish The Conservative Media In
America While Engaging In Censorship Using Google