Barack Obama Is Talking Like George Bush Did
During The Last Year Of His Presidency
June 11. 2012
Barack Obama
Republican challenger Mitt Romney slammed President Obama's statements
claiming the deteriorated U.S. "economy is fine." It's ironic, Obama, has been talking
just like former president, George W. Bush,
in the last year of his
presidency, insisting a financially decimated economy is fine.

The ever graceful George W. Bush
The sad fact of the matter is Obama cannot fix the economy and has
decided to put a press spin on it, because he wants another four years
in office, to spend away the nation's future on a failed political
premise that does not work. He has spent more taxpayer money that any
president in U.S. history, adding $5 trillion to the national deficit,
with no real results to show for it. What he is doing is not working,
but he continues to do the same.
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