Enthusiasm for Barack Obama has severely dampened, as the early voting
lead he enjoyed in Florida, a key swing state, is down by 70% from 2008.
That's a significant drop in numbers for Democrats, who usually favor early
voting, whereas Republicans prefer voting on election day, which falls on
November 6, 2012 this year.

Mitt Romney
Republican challenger Mitt Romney currently leads Obama in major
national polls and those with specific demographics covering swing states.
The drop in votes in the Sunshine State cannot be attributed to Hurricane
Sandy, as it largely bypassed the area. The Judiciary Report is of the
belief many Hispanics that voted for Obama in 2008, have switched to
Early Vote Lead In Florida Down 70% Over 2008
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Cocaine In University
Mitt Romney Leading Barack Obama In Popular And Electoral Vote Poll
A Poll That Has Predicted Presidents For The Past 30-Years Picks Mitt Romney To
Win 2012 Election
Obama Campaign In Chaos Over Mitt Romney's Resurgence In The
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Poll Reveals Barack Obama And Mitt Romney Are Tied In The Race For The
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Shows Americans Top Concern Is The Economy But Presidential Candidates
Are Off Topic
Romney Beating Barack Obama In The Polls Again As DNC Bounce Fades
In One Week
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