Babysitting The Bidens Has Brought Distraction And
Failure To The White House
Hunter Frequently Calls The White House In
May 10. 2023

Highly intelligent Kamala Harris has been reduced
to a babysitter for a man who does not and has never
had even a quarter of her intelligence. In the photo
above Biden got distracted, wandered off and nearly
fell off the stage.
The U.S. Economy is in free fall
because the President, Joe Biden, wasn't very bright
to begin with, then developed dementia after two
aneurysms and three strokes. Biden is the frontman,
with emphasis on it being a front, for former
Barack Obama,
who had two terms, but greedily wanted more (Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As
Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming
Previous Site Claims).
Obama has been running the White
House from in the background. Obama sends documents
and emails to the White House regarding orders of
what he wants done in the administration. He even
hired the same people for the Biden administration
as when he, Obama, was in office. It is thoroughly
From time to time he goes to the
White House as well. The entire scam is a complete
violation of the U.S. Constitution and has cost
America dearly, as you can't properly run the White
House, and U.S. government by default, in that
manner. It has harmed America and the nation's
partners in the world, some of whom have turned
Vice President Kamala Harris has the
unenviable task of babysitting Joe Biden, as we see
all the time, when he publicly says something stupid
or literally wanders off mid-sentence during events.
Figurehead Biden is of the belief Harris is the
President of the United States (U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His
Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The
Oh, but there's more. Remember in
past articles I stated that White House staff has
seen Biden sitting in chairs confused as to who he
is and what is going on (President
Joe Biden's Dementia Is On Display Again During
Public Appearances While Barack Obama Continues To
Secretly Submit Work To The White House Behind The
Scenes (Videos)). White House staff have
seen Biden wandering around the White House
aimlessly referring to himself as a visitor and
asking for instructions.

Hunter Biden asleep with a crackpipe in his
It gets worse via Hunter Biden, the
president's crack cocaine addicted son, as he is
constantly getting into trouble and usurping White
House time and other resources. Hunter has handlers
but sometimes he breaks away and gets into serious

Hunter Biden admits ownership of a laptop
whose contents were leaked by rivals. The contents
of the laptop contains child porn, references to his
dad as a a pedophile and dirty deals he and his
family made with foreign entities that constitute
illegal bribes.
I have it on good authority there
are times Hunter calls the White House because he
has gotten himself into trouble with shady figures.
The White House operators have been left stunned to
hear panicked calls from a "Mr. Biden" urgently
demanding to speak to "Mr. Biden."

Hunter and George Soros. The latter is a man
China recently referred to as the most evil person
on earth due to the manner in which he has
criminally meddled in global politics and the grave
damage it has done.
Hunter's handlers have been known to
call the White House and state "tell them it's Mr.
Biden for Mr. Biden" when Hunter is in over his
head, passed out or overdosed from drugs or in other
trouble. Hunter's chronic bad behavior has been a
huge distraction at the White House.

The contents of Hunter's laptop was leaked to
the 4Chan message board
When he has overdosed in the past,
they were unsure of whether to rush him to the
hospital, due to the scandal it would cause. Other
times he has been threatened by shady people from
abroad, and he or his minders have called the White
House to get help in putting the weight of the U.S.
.government's name behind threats to back off or

Another item leaked featured incriminating and
embarrassing communications by Hunter
Hunter has called the White House
when things went wrong with drugs dealers and the
criminals threatened with bodily injury and death.
Hunter, when high as a kite, has made deals with
Russians and others who are America's enemies in the
world, then panicked when he said and did too much,
imperiling himself, his family and America, then
ended up in fear for his life.

Hunter Biden and a prostitute naked in bed as
he babbles on about Russian agents he made deals
with wanting to kill him (photo redacted by the
Judiciary Report)
Hunter has called the White House in
a panic when prostitutes and gold diggers have
threatened to expose him via photos and videos they
secretly took. Women have demanded money to remain
quiet about the sick things they've seen Hunter do.

An item from Hunter's computer showing he went
to a website that contains 12-year-old girls in
child porn
The administration are babysitting
the Bidens rather than getting any real, substantive
work done. Hence the failures in Afghanistan that
resulted in fatalities. hence the failures with the
U.S. economy (inflation and job losses) and
international relations, who are ditching the U.S.
government in droves (World Nations Form Alliance To
Replace The U.S. Dollar In International Trade Due To President Joe
Biden's Terrible Economic And Political Policies In A Move That Will
Cost America Trillions In Revenues).
Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time