A Knee Is Damaging The NFL's Revenues And Popularity Among
October 17. 2017

Colin Kaepernick taking a knee. He is currently
searching for a new NFL deal but many teams are reluctant to
sign him. Kaepernick has sued the NFL and all its team
owners, alleging collusion.
The National Football League (NFL) and The
National Basketball Association (NBA) are two major sports
leagues in America. Football players in the NFL have been
taking a knee during the national anthem to protest social
injustice by select police officers, who engage in excessive
force. This entails bending on one knee while the American
national anthem plays, rather than standing with one's hand
over one's heart.
The U.S. Constitution proclaims America a
free country. Therefore, athletes are allowed to take a
knee. However, it is greatly damaging the NFL's popularity
with Americans, including those in the military, who are boycotting it over athletes taking a
knee during the anthem. Ticket sales/attendance and ad
revenues have fallen in a noticeable way. Some Americans are
taking great exception to athletes taking a knee during the
anthem. It is being interpreted as an insult to the anthem.

Colin Kaepernick is trying to make a difference but
his actions are being misinterpreted as he is in essence
protesting during the anthem, which is offending many
It was more appropriate when the Cowboys
football team held hands during the anthem this month to show
solidarity among the races. The NBA and NFL have been very
good to black people. What good is harming the NFL going to
do. I know the athletes are not trying to harm the league,
but that is what is inadvertently happening. The NBA and NFL are not the problem.
The problem is police brutality by select police officers,
targeting black people in America. Select racist police
officers engaging in violence against black people are the
problem. All cops are not bad. Let's not lump in the bad
with the good. Society needs policing to keep order. It is
more important to tackle the problem that create new ones in
sports sales declines.
Athletes need to attend and participate in
televised town hall meetings on the subject. It is good to
discuss societal problems with the goal of finding
solutions. As stated in past articles on the site, the main
way to address the terrible issue of police brutality is
through legislation on a federal level from the U.S.
Congress. Athletes need to request appearances in Congress
to discuss the issue, with the hope it will move the
legislature to upgrade federal law to prevent police
brutality. America has the highest police brutality rate in
the West. This must change. Here are a few suggestions I
wrote on remedying the matter regarding legislative changes:
Congress Needs To Enact Legislative Guidelines Regarding Police
ESPN And Fellow Sports Broadcasters In America Experience NFL
Football Ad Slump And It Is Due To Politics