Americans Vote Out Democrats In
Midterm Elections Posing An Overwhelming Challenge To President Obama
November 5. 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama saw his Democrats suffer a sweeping defeat
in the mid-term elections on November 4, 2014. The rival Republican
party made significant strides and now control both houses of the U.S.
Congress. This will make President Obama's remaining time in office very
difficult, as the Republican party is not in agreement with his
political plans. Obama is threatening to use Executive Orders to ram
through his agenda, which is going to turn ugly.

Barack Obama
President Obama held a lengthy press conference today to
address questions regarding the Democrats defeat at the polls. It was a
humbling experience for Obama, whose presidency held a lot of hope for
many. However, voting patterns indicate, the same young demographic that
paid a key role in electing and re-electing Obama, are disappointed with
how things have gone and simply did not vote this week.
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