Americans Are Losing Everything
Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And
Are Being Forced To Move To Other States
August 7. 2024

Joe Biden
Another bad development has occurred due to President
Biden's disastrous economic policies that are destroying Americans'
finances and sending the national debt soaring to record highs. Many
Americans can no longer afford the U.S. states they live in, such as
California, Florida, New York, Nevada, Colorado and DC, to name a few,
and are being forced to uproot their families due to terrible economic
times brought on by Biden's record inflation.
Many have been forced to leave the states they love as
high rents, mortgage payment increases, expensive gasoline and record
food costs, have made it very hard to make ends meet. People are leaving
many major U.S. states in favor of cheaper places to live, such as North
Carolina and South Carolina, among other places.
People have been forced to find new jobs and often with
less pay. Children are being uprooted to new states and schools, away
from friends and all the places they knew, because their home states
have become too expensive. All this financial destruction and trauma, so
a dementia patient, Joe Biden, could pretend to be President, with
others such as
Barack Obama
pulling all the strings behind the scenes, and crashing the economy. How
was that for the greater good.
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