Americans Angry With Incumbents
"Cleaning House"...And The House
October 21. 2010

Barack Obama
Due to the dire state of the U.S. economy, with millions of
people out of work and losing their homes to foreclosure, Americans feel
their elected politicians have failed them and seek to clean house. It's
hard when a person works very hard, then loses their job and home. It is
unjust and un-American.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's song and dance not
helping Democrats in the polls
One has to wonder, did incumbent politicians really do the
best they could or was it status quo. When a long term senator, such as
Arlen Specter, doesn't even make it out of the primaries, after working
44-years in Congress, one has to think Americans are fed up with the
government on the whole. It also explains the Tea Party's rapid rise to the
forefront of America's political landscape.

Tea Party queen, Sarah Palin, took them mainstream
As much as President Obama says he is sympathetic to
suffering Americans, his policies have failed. He needs to admit that, if
only to himself and make a change. When Americans voted for
"change" under Obama, the nation didn't mean change in their