American Idol Host Steals
Television Show
December 19. 2008

Ryan Seacrest (left) and Simon Cowell
American Idol host Ryan Seacrest has ripped off
the copyrights to one of the biggest shows in Turkey and
illegally brought it to America, renaming it “Mama’s Boy.”
He is clearly following in the footsteps of his boss, the
incorrigible, thieving degenerate, Simon Fuller, who was also
sued for stealing the show American Idol, after it was pitched
to him. He then took it a step further and
stole the music for
the CD releases for the show and slapped them together with
other pilfered works from other writers.
Once again, illustrating the blatant corruption present in the
U.S. judicial system, the Turkish millionaire who owns the show,
Luftu Murat Uckardesle, in conjunction with a British
corporation, was corruptly denied an injunction barring the rip
off’s release in America.

Ryan Seacrest
It’s this type of corruption from corporate America and the
judiciary that has damaged the U.S. economy no end. When you look at
cases such as this one, the American Idol show theft and
corporate America CEO’s like Bernard Madoff, you see why the
economy is buckling. There is no oversight or adherence to the
Seacrest's conduct is dishonorable, arrogant, ugly and unlawful. As for the
judge that made the corrupt decision,
George Daniels, you must have been drinking Jack Daniels when
you spat on the Copyright Act and Berne Convention, in trying to aid Seacrest
and co in stealing a preexisting show millions have seen. People are watching you and you
just sent the world a terrible message about the U.S. legal
system that does not inspire confidence at all.
Seacrest Sued For Allegedly
Ripping Off Show
American TV/radio personality RYAN
SEACREST is facing a lawsuit from a TV tycoon, accusing him of
stealing the idea for his new reality show from a four-year-old
Turkish series.
Papers filed on Monday (15Dec08) in
Manhattan federal court charge Seacrest and NBC network with
ripping off the idea for his new series Momma's Boys from
Perfect Bride, which debuted in Turkey in 2004.
The series, which follows bachelors
and their mums as they struggle to find a suitable bride for
their boys, was "willfully appropriated" according to the suit,
filed by Luftu Murat Uckardesler.
Harsh Reality: Plaintiffs Fail
to Block NBC Show
...While the competition among the
women on the show may be fierce, the battle that took place in
Judge George Daniels's courtroom in U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York was mostly one-sided.
Snyder, known for representing
folks like Bob Dylan and Jennifer Lopez, spent much of the
hearing sitting by calmly as his adversary tried vainly to fend
off flack from the judge. It only took an hour and a half for
Judge Daniels to side with Snyder and refuse to enjoin NBC from
broadcasting the show.
The plaintiffs are Luftu Murat
Uckardesler, whose reality show "Perfect Bride" has been a
massive hit in his native Turkey, and Global Agency Ltd., a
British licensing company. Uckardesler claims to own a United
States trademark on the "Perfect Bride" title and to own the
copyright to a "reality television format centering on mothers
and sons and their attempts to find the 'Perfect Bride.'"
He claims that NBC capitalized on
the success of "Perfect Bride" by using that phrase in marketing
materials, and that airing "Momma's Boys" would endanger the
plaintiffs' ongoing negotiations with an unnamed NBC competitor.
Along with a 45-day injunction against NBC airing the show, the
plaintiffs are seeking punitive and other damages...