America's Inflation
Under President Joe Biden Is Dangerous And Created
By Design
February 16. 2023

President Barack Obama and his puppet
President Joe Biden are destroying America (Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time)
U.S. President Joe Biden is wreaking
havoc on America with inflation that has skyrocketed
to record highs. Americans can't afford food, gas,
rent, mortgages, car payments and credit card bills,
in a development that began several months after he
took office.
Food prices have escalated to the
point millions of Americans can't afford groceries.
Under Biden's inflation supermarkets have added
costs in sourcing food and related merchandise. In
order to stay in business, these added costs are
passed on to the consumer in higher prices.
Biden's inflation is deliberate and
by design. In economics class at university there
are chapters in the textbook which illustrate how a
president and his administration can artificially
drive up the price of goods in America to lower
unemployment (see screencaps of Economics textbook
below). It is a dangerous and lazy way to
lower unemployment, but this is what the Biden
administration is doing and it is bankrupting

I have a question. How come former
U.S. President Donald Trump didn't have to do that
and he had a better economy than Biden. I have to
invoke Trump (again), as that is the only thing that
gets the Biden administration's attention regarding
their damaging behavior. America had very low
unemployment, gas prices, food costs, rents and
mortgage payments under Trump.
One year into Biden's
presidency and the masses can't afford food gas,
rent, mortgages and car payments. Not to mention 27
food factories mysteriously burning down and the
Nord Stream pipelines being blown up. America is
being destroyed from within (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A
'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S.
Economy To Bring It About (Videos)).
Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As
Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming
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