Amber Heard Facing Bankruptcy
After $15,000,000 Johnny Depp Court Judgment In
Defamation Case
This Was All Preventable... All She Had To Do
Was NOT Lie About Him
June 3. 2022

Even when Amber Heard smiles it has a
psychotic look to it
Psychopathic liar and narcissist,
Amber Heard, 37, tried to ruin her ex-husband,
Johnny Depp, 58, whom she married for money. Heard
did not love Depp, resented the age gap and sought
to (and did) use him for his connections in
Hollywood as a top actor (he pulled strings to get
Heard movie roles). Depp's net worth was
approximately $800 million when they wed. Depp
granted Heard access to his money and she went on
wild spending sprees, and had her friends and family
mooching off him as well.

Amber Heard was psychotic in court
When the separation came about and
Heard realized she was not going to walk away with
$400 million dollars, she became very spiteful and
cruel. So much so she ruined Depp in an op-ed full
of lies that was published in the Washington Post.
Heard, a crazy liar, did not care that her conduct
would tarnish the newspaper. All she cared about was
revenge, because Depp would not give her half his
wealth, for a very short lived and violent marriage,
where she chopped off his fingertip, burned him with
cigarettes and repeatedly punched him in psychotic

Amber Heard repeatedly lied in court then
acted surprise when said lies were exposed
Depp sued Heard for defamation and
won this week. Now she has to "pay the piper" as the
phrase goes. The original judgment was $15,000,000
in damages, but the judge reduced it to
approximately $8,000,000 Yet, even this figure Heard
can't find. The word bankruptcy is being thrown
about, but she deserves it.

Johnny Depp looked exasperated with Heard in
Not to mention, she is now box
office poison. A petition with over 4,000,000
signatures is demanding Heard's removal from the "Aquaman"
film franchise. If you multiply 4,000,000 tickets by
the going rate of a movie ticket (what? about $300
million per ticket to see a movie now, LOL) that's
roughly $80,000,000. No studio in their right mind
would risk such losses to hire Heard, who isn't even
a good actress. She's got that Megan Fox thing going
on (throw her in the film cause she looks good on
camera). As she is rapidly approaching 40, which is
an age Hollywood turns its back on most actresses,
in acts of ageism, Heard's career is in trouble.
Gold Digger Amber Heard Having To
Answer Tough Questions In Johnny Depp Defamation Case (Video)
Amber Heard Was Arrested For Domestic Violence