Amber Heard Exposed As Abuser For Slicing Off
Part Of Johnny Depp's Finger, Burning His Face With A Cigarette,
Defecating In His Bed And Admitting To Hitting Him On A Regular
Basis (Audio)February 3. 2020
In 2016 actress Amber Heard made very serious
allegations against husband and actor, Johnny Depp, telling the
world he was beating her and being emotionally abusive. I never
believed her claims and stated as such in 2016 (Hollywood Actor Johnny Depp Accused Of Beating Wife Amber Heard
Over Lesbian Affairs and
Heard Went Out Partying And Smiling The Day After She States
Johnny Depp Beat Her). The alleged proof
she presented looked fabricated.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp
Heard also has a history of being
a domestic violence abuser. Heard was previously arrested for domestic violence
regarding her ex-girlfriend, Tasya Van Ree, whom she financially
exploited and physically beat (Amber Heard Was Arrested For Domestic Violence).

Four years ago I stated on
Twitter that I did not
see Heard being abused by Depp in a video she circulated on social
networking, in an ugly smear campaign against the actor
Fast-forward 4-years and news has surfaced
illustrating Heard was the one who abused Depp and not the other way
around. Depp presented hospital photos illustrating she sliced off a
piece of his finger, out a cigarette on his face, threw a remote at
him with such force it hit him in the head and left a dent in his
forehead (in the presence of company). Heard also defecated on
Depp's bed, which denoted serious mental illness.

Hospital photos of Depp's injuries inflicted by Amber Heard
Heard attempted to use the death of Depp's mother
and his ensuing depression and bereavement, in an attempt to have
him committed for psychiatric evaluation, when she is the one who
belongs in the mental institution. Heard, who is a scheming gold
digger who used Depp and his 30-year acting career, to advance her
own, wanted to control his $400,000,000 fortune.

More hospital photos of Depp's injuries inflicted by Amber
This is a Hollywood and FBI smear technique of
painting victims as crazy, then pushing to have them committed to a
mental institution, in order to plunder their assets. It is
completely despicable. Heard should be indicted for domestic
violence, aggravated assault and financial fraud. She caused Depp
considerable pain. She is a psychotic who belongs in a mental asylum
for public safety, due to her history of assaulting and financially
exploiting people who have been victimized.
Latest Court Disclosure Reveals Amber Heard Heavily In Debt From
Lavish Living And Wants Johnny Depp's Money To Pay For It While
Making Domestic Violence Claim
Heard Went Out Partying And Smiling The Day After She States
Johnny Depp Beat Her
Hollywood Actor Johnny Depp Accused Of Beating Wife Amber Heard
Over Lesbian Affairs
Amber Heard Was Arrested For Domestic Violence