Paressant's Story Scrutinized
More Holes Than Swiss Cheese
December 28. 2007

Alexandra Paressant
Model Alexandra Paressant’s infidelity claims
against San Antonio Spur basketball player Tony Parker is going up in smoke.
Last week I commented on "the holes in her story" asking whether or not "she and
X17 could fill them in." Well, it looks like someone else is filling in
those holes this week and not in a way that is helpful to Paressant or X17.
Huffington Post and People magazine writer Dana Kennedy has been shooting more
holes in her story than a rapper in a drive by. Parker, once again, denies even meeting her,
though she is alleging an adulterous sexual relationship with him. While I'm no
authority on sex, aren't you supposed to be in the same room for it to happen.

Among the highlights listed in
the exposé Kennedy alleges the following:
1. Paressant used
other models' photos for her MySpace page. This I believe. In searching for
photos to accompany the articles I wrote about the Paressant scandal, from pic
to pic her eyes and facial bone structure looked different. Models are often
chameleons, but it’s hard to change the shape of your eyes, forehead and jaw
line from pic to pic, as those usually remain constant.
Side bar: she has a
fan page on MySpace that didn’t look very new - who created that?
2. Paressant allegedly
conned famous model Hana Nitsche into doing a video about "Tony Parker" in which
she told her to say he is “a wonderful lover.” I wrote about that a couple weeks
ago and commented on how “spacey” she looked in that video, comparing her to
Jessica Simpson. It just looked like bad acting. It was odd.
Turns out
Paressant told
Nitsche the video was an audition for a film and fed her the
lines to say. That’s scary that someone would go that far.
3. Paressant pasted
of herself with photos of Ronaldinho and digitally altered them
to make it appear they were a couple, then flooded message boards with items
about them dating. She then went on to tell the press that she kept him up
having sex and playing video games and it led to him playing poorly and Brazil
losing the World Cup.
For the rest of
Kennedy’s exposé visit: